16. Level of detail (LoD), Level of information (LoI)

‘Level of definition’ is defined in PAS 1192-2 as the “collective term used for and including ‘level if model detail’ and the ‘level of information detail’”. ‘Level of model detail’ is the description of graphical content on models at each of the stages defined, for example, in the CIC scope of services. The ‘level of model information’ is the description of non graphical content in models at each of these stages. BS 8541 defines level of detail for BIM objects as:

  • Schematic
  • Concept
  • Defined

BS 8541-3 is the code of practice for the shape and measurement of BIM objects.

Level of information defines how much detail is required at each of these stages – i.e. whether spatial, performance, standard, workmanship, certification etc.


Source: The 20 key BIM terms you need to know | NBS