17. Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis) is a cradle-to-grave environmental impact assessment for built assets, in terms of materials and energy. The energy and materials used, along with waste and pollutants produced as a consequence of a product or activity, are quantified over the whole life cycle; the result representing the environmental load of that asset. ISO 14040 defines LCA methodology.

18. Open BIM

An open-source approach to collaborative design, realisation and operation of buildings, based on open standards and workflows. Open BIM is an initiative of several leading software vendors using the buildingSMART Data Model, which incorporates data to ISO 16739 (via the IFC file format), terms to ISO 12006-3 (using the International Framework for Dictionaries, which maps different technical terms that have the same meaning) and process to ISO 29481-1 (the Information Delivery Manual; see above).

Source: The 20 key BIM terms you need to know | NBS