Myth #1: BIM is just 3D modelling


BIM isn’t just about drawing things in three dimensions. While 3D models are perhaps the most obvious, visual manifestation of changed ways of working, they are only part of a much wider process. In many ways the ‘modelling’ referred to in ‘BIM’ is something of distraction. BIM is not just about creating a visual representation of a physical object or entity, rather it’s about working collaboratively to produce digital datasets. This data (both graphical and non-graphical information) is deposited in a shared digital space known as the Common Data Environment (CDE) where it can be used to generate federated models. In summary, BIM is really about the purposeful management of information throughout the life of an asset. To work in this way will require you to think about people, process and technology, it’s not just about the 3D model.

The truth? BIM is definitely not just about 3D models!