Myth #3: BIM will cost more


There will undoubtedly be some upfront costs with any kind of programme to change traditional working processes but these should be countered by longer-term efficiencies and benefits. While BIM isn’t just about the hard or software, or extra training, there will likely be expenditure against all these budget lines in a wide-ranging BIM implementation. But BIM doesn’t have to be expensive – there are many tools available for free or at low-cost, and lots of readily-accessible sources of guidance and help. Don’t forget that you can easily decide which aspects of BIM implementation to tackle and when, controlling spend and timescales to dovetail with existing commitments. Do think carefully about passing on costs to clients who are unlikely to understand why they need to pay more for assets to be delivered ‘properly’.

The truth? There will be upfront costs but these can be mitigated and should be recouped long-term.