What happens in Vegas doesn’t have to stay there. We share five key takeaways from the 2016 Autodesk University event, complete with links to watch some of the best sessions online.

2. The robots aren’t coming for us – they’re coming FOR us

In the opening keynote Autodesk CTO Jeff Kowalski explored four key technologies that are converging and changing the future of work;

Machine learning and artificial intelligence – a progression from Spock to Kirk – as intuition, hunches, leaps and imagination is starting to see machines transcend into the realm of human creativity.

Generative design – design where we don’t tell machines what to do, rather we tell them what we need and allow computers to play through, weight and evaluate thousands of possibilities.

Virtual reality – The ability to experience data early and first-hand for more connected, emotional, collaborative and meaningful experiences.

Robotic systems – The final piece in the puzzle – the ability to express things tangibly in the real world. A world where we ‘print’ bridges.

The connection between all these technologies? People. Rather than seeing these technologies as a threat they are in fact superpowers. Those who adopt and adopt quickly will usurp their competitors.

Yes, technology, robots, machines are coming but they’re not coming for us – they’re coming FOR us – to make us more creative, productive, better informed…

Source: Five things we learnt at Autodesk University 2016 | NBS