The 20 key BIM terms you need to know (17-18)

17. Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) Life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis) is a cradle-to-grave environmental impact assessment for built assets, in terms of materials and energy. The energy and materials used, along with waste and pollutants...

The 20 key BIM terms you need to know (16)

16. Level of detail (LoD), Level of information (LoI) ‘Level of definition’ is defined in PAS 1192-2 as the “collective term used for and including ‘level if model detail’ and the ‘level of information detail’”. ‘Level of model detail’ is the description of graphical...

The 20 key BIM terms you need to know (15)

15. Level 0 BIM, Level 1 BIM, Level 2 BIM, Level 3 BIM The move to ‘full’ collaborative working via distinct and recognisable milestones, in the form of ‘levels’. These have been defined within a range from 0 to 3, and, whilst there is some debate about the exact...

The 20 key BIM terms you need to know (13-14)

13. Information Delivery Manual (IDM) To make BIM effective, information needs to be:] made available when it is needed and to a satisfactory quality. This can be achieved by using an Information Delivery Manual, that identifies the various construction processes, and...

The 20 key BIM terms you need to know (11-12)

11. Government Soft Landings (GSL) A UK government-initiated handover protocol to champion better outcomes for built assets during the design and construction stages. Its objective is to reduce costs (capital and running) and improve performance of asset delivery and...

The 20 key BIM terms you need to know (9-10)

9. Data Exchange Specification A specification for electronic file formats that are used for the exchange of digital data between different BIM software applications, thereby facilitating interoperability. Examples include IFC and COBie (see above). PAS 1192-2...