When pouring 1,984-degree liquid copper onto a ball of rubber bands, things get interesting.

Anyone with an excess of rubber bands lurking in junk drawers, on kitchen tables, in desk drawers or perhaps on closet floors may end up storing them all in a growing rubber band ball.

In fact, some people take creating a rubber band ball very seriously — like Guinness World Record holder Joel Waul, who made the largest rubber band ball, which weighs 9,032 pounds (4,097 kilograms), is more than 8 feet (2.4 meters) tall and consists of more than 700,000 rubber bands.

This video, posted Saturday by YouTube user Tito4re, demonstrates what can happen when one adds piping hot — 1,984-degree Fahrenheit (1,085 degrees Celsius) — molten copper to a standard-size ball made of rubber bands.

As the liquid copper slowly covers the rubber band ball, the bands go up in flames rather quickly. One can only imagine how bad the smell might be.

The flames burn for quite some time, which goes to show that if you need a long-lasting fire, this approach could be a contender.

In the video, the flames spread to such an extent that Tito4re has to use a water hose to put out the rubber band fire. Even afterward, much of the ball is still intact with untouched rubber bands at its core.

Source: Even molten copper can’t obliterate a rubber band ball – CNET