We cordially invite you to attend the 1st NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SULAM 2021 OPENING CEREMONY.

Details of the Opening Ceremony session are as follows:

Theme    : Inspiring Learners, Empowering Community
Date        : 23/10/2021
Time       : 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Platform :  http://utm.click/sulam2021
Live         : https://www.facebook.com/sulam.mohe

We are anticipating as many people as possible to join the opening ceremony and keynote speaker which will be officiated by YB Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Ahmad, Ministry of Higher Education.

Please register your participation at https://forms.gle/y5ZzwLhgKkZWpShQ8

Kindly share with your colleagues, friends and students who might be interested in the program. If you have any queries, please email to sulam2021-conference@utm.my

Don’t forget to join us!! Feel free to visit us at https://www.utm.my/sulam2021/