19. PAS 1192

The PAS 1192 framework sets out the requirements for the level of model detail (the graphical content), model information (non-graphical content, such as specification data), model definition (its meaning) and model information exchanges:

  • PAS 1192-2 deals with the construction (CAPEX) phase, and specifies the requirements for Level 2 maturity; sets out the framework, roles & responsibilities for collaborative BIM working; builds on the existing standard of BS 1192, and expands the scope of the Common Data Environment (see above).
  • PAS 1192-3 deals with the operational (OPEX) phase, focussing on use & maintenance of the Asset Information Model (see above), for Facilities Management.
  • BS 1192-4 documents best practice for the implementation of COBie.
  • PAS 1192-5 is currently under development, and will cover security of data.

20. Uniclass

Classification system used in the UK and owned by CPIC, which groups objects into numerical headers to allow things to be arranged or grouped according to a type or class applied throughout the asset life and may be used as part of the categorisation used in BIM models. Uniclass 1997 tables are referenced by PAS1192 part 2. The classification categories are:

  • Complexes or collections of buildings – such as a university campus or an airport
  • Entities, which comprise individual buildings
  • Activities taking part within different parts of those buildings
  • Spaces, or rooms
  • Elements such as walls, floors and ceilings
  • Systems, for example door and window systems, or wall lining systems
  • Products such as sheet materials, or fixings.

Uniclass is more sophisticated than the Common Arrangement of Works Sections (CAWS), in that:

  • it encompasses the entire life cycle of a built asset
  • it can cater for assets of any scale, so can be used for planning as well as design and construction
  • it can accommodate infrastructure and civil engineering projects, in addition to buildings.


Source: The 20 key BIM terms you need to know | NBS