Myth #2: BIM will take more time and impact on productivity


Any process that involves new ways of working will undoubtedly take some time to both scope, implement and bed in. Careful and considered planning will help mitigate the impact – choosing the right pilot project and making sure you’ve the time and resource to get up to speed, should ensure you build momentum. Longer-term you should soon start to feel the benefits with gains outweighing the initial investment.

Compared with more traditional ways of working a BIM approach typically frontloads the creation of project-related information and assets and this can take a little time to get used to in terms of project planning and resourcing. That being said, with a range of training and resources available, and the lessons learnt by other organisations to draw from, getting up to speed should be manageable for even the busiest firm.

BIM isn’t the only change that the construction industry has had to grapple with – as surely as we moved from a pen to a mouse and CAD, then BIM is just the next evolutionary step. Just as typewriters are rarely found in modern offices, one day BIM will just be ‘business as usual’ so time invested now is likely to be well spent.

The truth? Perhaps at first but longer-term you should be more productive.