The UK’s drone code has been revised and updated to help pilots of the unmanned craft ensure they fly the gadgets safely.

The UK’s drone code has been revised and updated to help pilots of the unmanned craft ensure they fly the gadgets safely.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said it wanted to raise awareness among people who may get a drone as a gift.

Research carried out by the CAA suggests about 39% of owners know about the safe-flying regulations.

The update comes after four near-misses between between drones and civil aircraft were reported in October.

Rising reports

“Drones are an incredible, inspiring technology but it’s vital that people are using them safely,” said Andrew Sage from air traffic control body NATS in a statement.

“With the number of reported drone incidents on the rise, it’s important that people understand their legal obligations and fly safe,” he said.

The revised code turns the five main safety tips into a mnemonic, spelling drone, to

Source: UK revises safe flying drone code – BBC News