Dear Malaysia’s ACS members,
It is my pleasure to introduce the new ACS Malaysia Chapter’s committee for the year 2016-2018 ( As you may know, all registered ACS members outside United States are entitled to be part of the International Chemical Sciences Chapters which allow member within a geographic area to connect with one another, and with other members around the globe. After all, scientist should advocate the idea of borderless working across nations in addressing the complexity of the causes, impacts and solutions of many global concerns, according to the science diplomacy notion. This scheme can be accomplished via the ACS platform which has the truthful mission to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of earth and its people.
It is reassuring to see our chapter has successfully attained tremendous achievements. We have been acknowledged with the ACS Salute to Excellence Award and ACS Partner for Progress and Prosperity Medal. This year, we were selected as a finalist for the ACS ChemLuminary for Global Engagement Award. Among international chapters, Malaysia chapter was the first to complete the official website for information sharing purpose. We were also placed in the first ranking for the member registration number through the ACS official link ( Currently there are more than 230 ACS members resided in Malaysia. The chapter committee members are committed to raise this chapter to the greater height with the inclusive participation from all members. Starting this year, we have agreed to operate based on region; to start with central, northern and southern areas in addition to institutional representatives across nation.
ACS Malaysia Chapter has its vision in transforming professional talents and fostering greater networking across chemistry boundaries in improving people’s life. In line with ACS goals, our chapter aims to advance member’s professional careers, improve education and communicate chemistry’s value.
Based on the past experiences and future insight, there are five strategic proposals to be implemented in sustaining our chapter excellence:
- Adopt flexible operational but objective GOVERNANCE.
- Upgrade current MEMBERS and attract more members.
- Strengthen and expand NETWORKING.
- Increase visible and count intangible OUTPUTS.
- Build legitimacy and grow REPUTATION.
These targets can be achieved through “5E” initiatives that had and will take places:
- Empower regional-based committee.
- Encourage member-driven activities.
- Engage strategic institutions.
- Explore new options via diversified members.
- Elevate chapter’s niche.
Nevertheless, this chapter was formed upon member foundation and strength. Thus, all members are welcomed to share and contribute ideas for the benefit of each member’s professional career and to our chapter. Nearly two years have passed which oversee the blossom of our chapter’s activities based on education and outreach agenda via the strategic partnership with various institutions. At this point, we will precede the same breadth of programs with further added values as well as continuously seeking the innovative way forward with the active support from all members.
Noteworthy, we will also plan to initiate several income generation projects which are significant to drive our chapter financial sustainability. At the international level, ACS International Chapters at Asia Pacific Region including Malaysia have agreed to co-organize an ACS ASIA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL CHAPTERS CONFERENCES which is due to be held at Jeju Island, South Korea on 5-8 July 2017. We will keep you updated with the latest information sooner. In the meantime, you may plan ahead to participate in this first ever inbreeding conferences by ACS outside USA!
Please contribute to this chapter in any of your convenience and interest. Make this chapter as your own. There will be much excitement ahead to work together in achieving the common goals.
Regards and thanks,
“Living the Chemistry via ACS life”
Dr. Mohd Bakri Bakar
Chair for ACS Malaysia Chapter 2016-2018
ACS-Chemistry for life