Mohd Bakri Bakar

Assoc. Prof. ChM.Dr.

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“Idealogue, Diplomat, Educator, Advocator of Science!”

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Bajet 2022 dan Universiti

Bagi menambah baik sistem sokongan sedia ada buat kaum ibu berkerjaya, 30 juta ringgit disediakan untuk menyediakan kemudahan taska di bangunan-bangunan Kerajaan, terutamanya di hospital dan universiti awam.Program Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti merupakan antara medium...

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Impact of PPV@Universiti

In addition to provide a convenience access, establishment of vaccination centre at universities also assists in building community confidence in vaccination. This coincides with their reliability and trust towards university.

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4Cs Expedites Vaccination

Finally, there is a light of hope and happiness. The sign was when we were allowed to resume interstate travel after 90% of the adult population had been vaccinated. As of the COVID-19 vaccination program, it can be concluded that the practice of 4Cs (Communication,...

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