tips and tricks for learning Arabic vocabulary

 Create a rinse and repeat system

As we said above, there’s a huge difference between writing something down once and actually learning it (unless you have photographic memory, in which case we’re ridiculously jealous and you don’t need to read this!). We recommend looking at a new word and testing yourself at least five times to really make it stick in your mind – ideally once a day for five consecutive days.

You could use a notebook with columns and practice translating the word into a fresh column every day until you’ve got it right five times in a row. If you need something a little more visual, you could write each word on a small piece of paper and, once you’ve ticked it off the list, fold it up and pop it in a jar. It’s awfully satisfying to watch the jar fill up with all the new words you’ve learned – and it’s a great excuse to treat yourself when the jar is full!