I am a Senior Lecturer at the Perdana Centre of Science, Technology; Innovation Policy,
UTM Kuala Lumpur, with a PhD (Policy Studies). Currently, I have been appointed as
Postgraduate Research Coordinator of the Centre, specifically to PhD (Policy Studies), MPhil
(Policy Studies), PhD, and MPhil programmes.
I graduated with BSc. Health Physics in the year 2007. This programme allowed me to learn
applied physics from the contexts of science, and social science. Towards the end of the
programme, I felt that the social science part was nearer to my heart than science.
For me, the science part is important, but the social science part specifically to the
management of science and the management of people in that science area are equally
important. I was then further my study in MSc. Human Resource Development and graduated
in year 2009. My Masters Project was entitled ‘Polisi dan amalan budaya kerja selamat di
kalangan staf teknikal di fakulti berisiko tinggi di UTM, Johor’.
Based on my skill and interest in conducting research, as well as knowledge in policy studies,
I was appointed as a Research Officer for conducting policy-related research projects in the
Centre for Technology Policy and International Studies (currently known as the Perdana
Centre). In order to strengthen my knowledge in policy studies, I enrolled in PhD (Policy
Studies) in year 2010. I graduated with a PhD thesis entitled the Criteria and Indicators for
Preparedness towards Radiation Emergency as Part of Disaster Policy Implementation.
This programme helps me a lot in understanding policy implementation and evaluation,
instrument development, and disaster preparedness.
Therefore, if you are looking for a supervisor to do a PhD or MPhil (Policy Studies) or
having interest in the following research fields (PhD or MPhil generic), please contact me to
discuss how we can work together:
i) Policymaking
ii) Policy implementation
iii) Policy, or programme evaluation
iv) Disaster preparedness
v) Volunteer management
vi) Human resource development
I can be contacted at sitihasliah@utm.my for further inquiry.
– Dr. Liya –