"Sometimes we are tested but
not show our weaknesses,
but to discover or STRENGTHS"
"Talk about your BLESSINGS,
More than you talk about your burdens"
"The first one to APOLOGIZE is the BRAVEST,
The first one to FORGIVE is the STRONGEST,
The first one to FORGET is the HAPPIEST"
"Negative mind never give you a POSITIVE LIFE"

- Ziad K. Abdelnour -
"I'm not a stubborn girl,

- Shalini Pasumaikumar -
"Be STRONG but not rude,
Be KIND but not weak,
Be HUMBLE but not timid,
Be PROUD but not arrogant"

- Zig Ziglar -
"The FUTURE belongs to those
who PREPARE for it TODAY"

- Eleanor Roosevelt -
"Sometimes LIFE is about RISKING everything
for a DREAM no one can see but you"

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