Lee, T. Y., Ahmad, F., & Sarijari, M. A. (2025). Exploring Labor Presence in Work Zone and Tiling Trade Labor Productivity: The Moderating Role of Skilled-Labor Proportion. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 151(1), 04024188. [Read Paper]
Mustafa, M. S. S., Syahroni, B. M. M., Rosli, M. A., Damanhuri, A. A. M., Zakaria, A. F., Subri, U. S., & Ahmad, F. (2024, March). Development of insulation material using bamboo fibers for thermal and sound properties. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 3026, No. 1). AIP Publishing. [Read Paper]
Flaih Maeni, A. Y. and Ahmad, F. (2024). The Influence of Different Factors on the Iraqi Construction Industry Using Organizational Culture: An Intelligent Measurement Model Assessments in AMOS-Based SEM, International Journal of INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING, 12(21s), 1817–1835. [Read Paper]
Ahmad, A. Y. F. M. F. An analysis using a structural equation model to assess the various factors influencing the Iraqi construction industry, with a specific focus on the moderating of organizational culture.[Read Paper]
Maeni, A. Y. F., & Ahmad, F. (2024). An analysis using a structural equation model to assessthe various factors influencing the Iraqi construction industry, with a specific focus on the moderating of organizational culture. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, 16(4), 29-58.[Read Paper]
Lee, T. Y., Ahmad, F., & Sarijari, M. A. (2023). Current Status and Future Research Trends of Construction Labor Productivity Monitoring: A Bibliometric Review. Buildings, 13(6), 1479.[Read Paper]
Lee, T. Y., Ahmad, F., & Sarijari, M. A. (2023). Activity sampling in the construction industry: a review and research agenda. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.[Read Paper]
Yusop, F., Syazwan, M. S., Hassan, N. N. M., Sari, K. M., Rahman, M. A. A., Hamidon, N., … & Musa, M. K. (2023). Comparison of Air Flow Distribution in the Building for Different Position of Air Return. Journal of Advanced Research in Numerical Heat Transfer, 13(1), 81-86.[Read Paper]
Sheng, T. C., Awang, M., Yusop, F., Rahman, M. A. A., Hamidon, N., Syazwan, M. S., … & Ahmad, F. (2022, November). People, process and system design of smart building solutions for an office building in Kuala Lumpur. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2644, No. 1, p. 050015). AIP Publishing LLC. [Read Paper]
Musa, M. K., Rahman, M. A. A., Baba, I., Idris, Z. A., Awang, M., Mustafa, M. S. S., … & Ahmad, F. (2022, November). Issues and problems for the implementation of the IBS for affordable housing projects. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2644, No. 1, p. 030024). AIP Publishing LLC. [Read Paper]
Musa, M. K., Mahyeddin, M. E. B., Jalil, N. A., Rahman, M. A. A., Awang, M., Ern, P. A. S., … & Ahmad, F. (2022, November). The challenges in implementing building information modelling (BIM) for Malaysian affordable housing. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2644, No. 1, p. 030023). AIP Publishing LLC. [Read Paper]
Suhaili, S., Ahmad, F., Lee, T. Y., Abidin, N. I., & Awang, M. (2022). Internet of Things for Hybrid Energy System Data Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Applications of Science and Mathematics 2021 (pp. 453-464). Springer, Singapore.[Read Paper]
Abidin, N. I., Aminudin, E., Ahmad, F., & Obaid, S. S. B. A. (2022). The Determinants Factors for Solar Photovoltaic Implementation in Existing Building. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 912, pp. 127-134). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. [Read Paper]
Ahmad, F. & Md Said, M. I. (2022). Integrated Shoreline Management Plan (ISMP) Negeri Johor (East Coast) Final Report Volume I/III. Jabatan Pengairan Saliran, Malaysia.
Ahmad, F. & Md Said, M. I. (2022). Integrated Shoreline Management Plan (ISMP) Negeri Johor (East Coast) Final Report Volume II/III. Jabatan Pengairan Saliran, Malaysia.
Ahmad, F. & Kamil, N. A. (2022) SKAZINE Online Teaching and Learning Tools. School of Civil Engineering, UTM.
Lee, T. Y., Ahmad, F., Abdul Rahman, M. A. & Awang, M., (2022). RFID-cloud construction equipment management system framework: current issues and user needs. Materials Today: Proceedings. (accepted) [Read Paper]
Shah, M. N. M., Ahmad, F., Abdullah, M. S., Musa, M. K., Abidin, N. I., Harun, H., … & Lee, T. Y. (2021). Design and development of trash trap of stream for mini hydro. Materials Today: Proceedings. [Read Paper]
Ali, N. H. M., Ahmad, F., Abidin, N. I., Suhaili, S., Rahman, M. A. A., Harun, H., … & Syazwan, M. S. (2021). Agile Project Management Software for Construction and Management Industries. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Separation Technology (pp. 101-111). Springer, Singapore. [Read Paper]
Awang, M., Idris, M. L. H., Ja’afar, A. B., Marsi, N., Fodzi, M. H. M., Musa, K., … & Jumali, A. A. (2021). Develop Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement from Portland Cement, Polystyrene and Bottom Ash on Pedestrian Road. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Separation Technology (pp. 67-81). Springer, Singapore. [Read Paper]
Musa, M. K., Ting, C. M., Rahman, M. A. A., Awang, M., Hamidon, N., Syazwan, M. S., … & Ahmad, F. (2021). Thermal Comfort Evaluation at the Multipurpose Hall of an Academic Campus. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Separation Technology (pp. 141-161). Springer, Singapore. [Read Paper]
Maidin, M. A. A., Ahmad, F., Abidin, N. I., Suhaili, J., Awang, M., Rahman, M. A. A., … & Kamil, N. A. (2021). Design Campus Map Using OpenStreetMap Digital Software. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Separation Technology (pp. 113-129). Springer, Singapore. [Read Paper]
Mustafa, M. S. S., Nurasyid, M. A., Sari, K. A. M., Yusop, F., Awang, M., Rahman, M. A. A., … & Ahmad, F. (2021). Utilizing Natural Fibre as a Sustainable Acoustic Absorber. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Separation Technology (pp. 243-256). Springer, Singapore[Read Paper]
A.T.B. Yung, E. Aminudin, C.N.S Liat, M. Neardey, R. Zakaria, A.R.A. Hamid, F. Ahmad, L.Y. Yong. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Adoption of Building Information Modelling in Malaysia Road Construction. [Read Paper]
H.A. Hamid, H.Y. Hui, H. Harun, N.M. Sunar, N. Hamidon, M.S. Muhamad, R. Ali, L. Jasmani, F. Ahmad. International Journal of of Advanced Science and Technology. Adsorption Study of Textile Dye Effluent Using Mixture of Nanocrystalline Cellulose and Eggshell Powder Adsorbents. [Read Paper]
M. Awang, Tham C.S, N.M.B. Rudin, M.A.A. Rahman, N. Hamidon, F. Ahmad, K. Musa, S. Nagapan, M.S.A. Rahman. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences. Assessment of Energy Saving Potential and Lighting System in Teaching Building. [Read Paper]
N.I. Adiana, R. Zakaria, S.M. Shamsuddin, F. Ahmad. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Institution. Decision Making of Green Technology Retrofitting in Higher Learning Institution. [Read Paper]
F. Ahmad, I. Baba, H. Harun, N.H.A. Hamid, M. Awang, M.A.A Rahman, S.N.A. Basri, S. Ahmad, S. Ahmad, S.A. Ishak. Digital Campus. International Journal of Engineering Technology. Under Review. [Read Paper]
M.A.A. Rahman, S.F. Ling, M. Awang, M.K. Musa, N. Hamidon, M.M.S. Syazwan, F. Yusop, M.H. Khamidun, F. Ahmad. Journal of Critical Reviews. Evaluation of Environmental Perfomance in Academic Building by Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ). [Read Paper]
N. Hamidon, C.J. Hong, M. Awang, M.A.A. Rahman, F. Ahmad, K. Musa, F.M. Yusop, S.H. Adnan, M.S.S. Mustafa. International Conference on Separation Technology (ICoST). Future Flood Forecasting in Bukit Merah Using HEC-HMS Software. [Read Paper]
N.N. Zainal, F. Ahmad, M.H. Hanipah, M.K. Musa, M. Awang, M.A.A. Rahman, N.I.A. Abidin, N. Hamidon, F.M. Yusop, S.H. Adnan, S. Ahmad, S.A. Ishak, H. Samid. Jurnal of Critical Reviews. Mobile Applications for Facilities Management Information. [Read Paper]
H. Harun, N.A. Truna, N.H.A. Hamid, N.M. Sunar, N. Hamidon, R. Ali, M.S. Muhamad, F. Ahmad. Journal of Critical Reviews. Palm Frond Biochar for Sludge Granulation in Aerobic Granular Sludge System. [Read Paper]
M.A.A. Rahman, M. Awang, M.S.S. Mustafa, F. Yuusop. K.A.M. Sari, M.K. Musa, M.A. Rosli, F. Ahmad, N. Hamidon. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Evaluation and Measurement of Indoor Air Quality in the Preschool Building. [Read Paper]
M.A.A Rahman, M.K. Musa, F. Ahmad, N. Hamidon. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). Exploring Issues and Problem Perceived by Occupants of Malaysian Affordable Housing. [Read Paper]
F. Ahmad. S. Azman, M.I.M Said, N.H.A Hamid, H. Harun, M. Awang, M.A.A Rahman. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. Interaction Fugacity Model for Water, Sediment and Seagrass. [Read Paper]
H.A. Hamid, H. Harun, N.M. Sunar, F. Ahmad, N. Hamidon, M.S. Muhamad, L. Jasmani, N. Suleiman. Civil Engineering and Architecture. Predicting the Capability of Carboxylated Cellulose Nanowhiskers for the Remediation of Copper from Wastewater Effluent Using Statistical Approach. [Read Paper]
N. Hamidon, S. Harun, N.M. Sunar, N.H.A. Hamid, M.S. Muhamad, H. Harun, R. Ali, M. Awang, M.A.A. Rahman, F. Ahmad, K. Musa, F.M. Yusof, M.S.S. Mustafa. Civil Engineering and Architecture. Prediction of Future Climate Changes for Rainfall in the Upper Kurau River Basin, Perak Using Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM). [Read Paper]
H. Harun, H.A. Hamid, N.M. Sunar, F. Ahmad, A.N. Anuar, N.H. Rosman, I. Othman. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). Performance of Aerobic Granular Sludge in Treating Soy Sauce Wastewater at Different Hydraulic Retention Time. [Read Paper]
H. Harun, H.A. Hamid, N.M. Sunar, F. Ahmad, L. Jasmani, N. Suleiman. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). Predicting the Capability of Oxidized CNW Adsorbents for the Remediation of Copper Under Optimal Operating Conditions Using RSM and ANN Models. [Read Paper]
F. Ahmad, S. Azman, M.I.M. Said, L-Baloo. Biomonitoring of Metal Contamination in Estuarine Ecosystem Using Seagrass. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering. 13:41. (IF: 1.01). [Read Paper]
F. Ahmad, S.Azman, M.I.M. Said, L-Baloo. Tropical Seagrass as a Bioindicator of Metal Accumulation. Sains Malaysiana. 44(2):203-210. (IF: 0.48). [Read Paper]
L-Baloo, S. Azman, M.I.M. Said, F. Ahmad, M. Mohammad. Biofiltration Potential of Microalgae for Ammonium Removal in Outdoor Tank Shrimp Wastewater Recirculation System. Biomass and Bioenergy. 66: 103-109. (IF: 3.411). [Read Paper]
F. Ahmad, S. Azman, M.I.M. Said, Salmiati, L-Baloo, S. Sabri. Metals in Tropical Seagrasses- Accumulation of Mercury and Lead. Worlds Applied Sciences 32 (8): 1468-1473. (Index by Scopus). [Read Paper]
F. Ahmad, S. Azman, M.I.M. Said, L-Baloo. Distribution of Metal Contaminants in The Straits of Johor Due to Local Development. International Conferences on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (ISBN NO: 978-93-82242-92-5). [Read Paper]