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Spend quality discussion about the experimental works using padlet ‘Solid Mechanics Lab’

This semester in year 2020, due to pandemic Covid-19, students are not allowed to enter the campus. Therefore, this course will be conducted ONLINE and no hands-on experiment will be provided.

In this course, each student required to view, learn and analyze video provided and submit in total six (6) full report on the experiments. Two (2) experiments from each laboratory (namely Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer lab, Fluid lab and Control Lab) will be assigned. Since students could not physically come out with their own experimental data, sample data will be provided in order to produce the full report. Students may be assigned for different type of experiments or given different set of sample data.

Full reports should be submitted or email to the lecturer-in-charge:

Tribology: Dr. Nur Azmah

Machine Mechanics : Dr Pauziah
Solid Mechanics: Dr. Fawazi