On the 21st January 2022, we had a meeting with Ms. Wong Shi Xuan (Senior Manager) from Delightex Singapore. This collaboration is mainly looking at the therapeutic potential of local plants/herbs in treating mental diseases.
This project is being led by Mr. Muhammad Imran Firdaus bin Kamardan, our former research student. We also have Assoc. Prof. Hirofumi Hara (University of Tokyo), Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Nor’azizi bin Othman, Dr. Nadia Farhana binti Azman and myself on board.
Delightex (Delight Explorers) is an independent research, venture creation and investment arm of a Japanese fast-moving consumer goods conglomerate that has the mandate to identify and build the next generation business around naturally occurring substances. Armed with an extensive network of collaboration partners and research facilities, Delightex seeks to evaluate novel technologies, build and invest in innovative companies with the capacity to deliver Delightful Moments.

We hope that this partnership will bridge us, the academia with industry and successful commercialisation. InshaAllah ~