ACCER 2021: Leadership Acceleration Program

Hi peeps!

Today is the kick start of the ACCER 2021. We had a special virtual gathering session with the UTM Vice Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Bin Ismail.

I feel so honoured and privileged to be one of the participants (ACCER Buddies) in this leadership program. Together with me is my colleague, Dr. Norhuda Abdul Manaf (we have been praying to be in the same group, ALHAMDULILLAH!).

There are 25 participants and we have been divided into 5 groups with 2 mentors. The leadership topics selected by the organiser are based on the BIG Five #5 Things that focused in 2021 :

1. People Management
2. Institutionalize I.S.E.S
3. Strengthening Research Impact
4. University Governance
5. University High Performance Delivery

We are in Group 3 and our task is on Strengthening Research Impact. Here is the list of our team members :

1. Dr. Koh Meng Hock (FS)
2. Dr. Umar Haiyat Abdul Kohar (AHIBS)
3. Dr. Izwyn Zulkapri (SKBSK)
4. Dr. Norhuda Abdul Manaf (MJIIT)
5. Myself (MJIIT)

I am very excited to gain new experience and sharing knowledge with the mentors and other buddies.

Till then, bye!

UTM Knowledge Transfer Program (KTP) with Orang Asli Pos Betau, Kuala Lipis, Pahang

It’s time now to give back to the community.

The Deputy of Vice Chancellor Office (Research & Innovation), UTM KL and MJIIT are currently working side-by-side for a USR project named “Program Pembangunan Modal Insan Melalui Transformasi Ekonomi dan Pendidikan ke Arah Kecemerlangan Komuniti Orang Asli”. This main project is divided into four sub-projects which are :

  1. Pembangunan Kemahiran Komuniti Orang Asli Menggunakan Teknologi Hidroponik untuk Penanaman Pelbagai Sayuran dan Buahan – Prof. Emeritus Dr. Md Nor Bin Musa.
  2. Pembangunan Kemahiran Pembuatan Peralatan Hidroponik dan Sistem Penyejukan Cecair Hidroponik untuk Sumber Pendapatan Tambahan Komuniti Orang Asli – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shaikh Ahmad Zaki Bin Shaikh Salim.
  3. Penghasilan Baja Kompos daripada Bahan Buangan Pertanian dan Sisa Hutan Ke Arah Kelestarian Alam Sekitar Bersama Komuniti Orang Asli – Dr. Fazrena Nadia Binti Md Akhir.
  4. Pengaplikasian Sistem Komersial Pengumpulan dan Pemasaran Berpusat Produk Pertanian dan Kraftangan Komuniti Orang Asli – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akbariah Binti Mohd Mahdzir.

We will be sharing our knowledge and expertise with the Orang Asli community in Pos Betau, Pahang. We are so lucky to be awarded the UTM KTP-Research Innovation Grant 2021 (RM20,000) for this project, funded by Centre of Community and Industry Network (CCIN), UTM.

Thanks UTM!

“Knowledge increases by sharing but not by savings”. – unknown

Malaysian Youth Upcycle Challenge (MY YUC 2020/21)

The Malaysian Youth Upcycle Challenge (My YUC) 2020/21 program was held on the 18th January – 7th Februari 2021. This innovation program aims to enhance the interest of our youth to elements of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI). This program was jointly organised by  Persatuan Kesihatan Persekitaran dan Pekerjaan (EOHS) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM). The director of this program was Dr. Sharifah NorKhadijah Binti Syed Ismail from UPM.

Together with many academia from other universities, I have been appointed as one of the judges to evaluate the submission by our youth inventors. There are three themes in the competition which are Green Technology, Environmental Sustainability and Renewable Energy.

Congratulations to all winners! Keep inventing!

“Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat”. – Steve Jobs

Let’s Learn Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia (BIM)!

Hello peeps!

On the 20th March 2021, I have joined the Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia (sign language) online class with our MJIIT community. This program was organised by the MSDeaf (Persatuan Sukan Orang Pekak Malaysia). It was such a great experience as I have never learn the sign language before.

There will be 5 sessions that will be held every Saturdays at 10.00 am – 11.30 am. Our teacher’s name is Teacher Cyril. The first lesson was to get to know the alphabet using sign language.

We had so much fun learning and we are looking forward for our next class on the 27th March.

Thanks heaps MJIIT for sponsoring us and see you all this Saturday!


“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching”. – Lin Pernille

Community Engagement at Kebun Bandar Kg. Sg. Bunus, KL

Hello peeps!

In conjunction with the MJIIT-Tsukuba Joint Seminar, we also have done something good to the mother nature. Located in Kebun Bandar Kg. Sg. Bunus, Kuala Lumpur, we have done several activities such as tree-planting, water quality testing, colouring (it has been proven to reduce strees~) and learn how to do composting. This activity was led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aznah Nor Anuar (CCIN, UTM KL) and her team. Big thanks to them! All participants from both institutions had such a great time.

Let’s check out some of the photos of this activities:

Till then, bye! 

“Ask not what your teammates can do for you. Ask what you can do for your teammates”. – Magic Johnson

[URGENT] Looking for MPhil Candidate for September 2020

Assalamualaikum wbt. and ohayou gozaimasu!

I’m currently looking for candidates to pursue their Master’s studies in Food Microbiology.

The title of the project will be: Antibiotic resistance of lactic acid bacteria isolated from dairy products in Malaysia.

Drop me an email at for further info!

Working from Home

Today is the day 6 of the Restriction of Movement Order (RMO) and we are now officially working from home. As for today, we have 2 virtual meetings in a row. The 1st meeting is on the Key Focus Area (KFA) 2: Research Excellence, Industry & Community Engagement (10.00 am – 12.30 pm) led by Mr. Chew from TNCPI and the 2nd meeting is on KAI Group Presentation in the afternoon (2.30 pm – 4.30 pm ) between MJIIT members.

This is such a new experience for me and we hope to have better implementation for online teaching and learning too.

As for now, I have used Cisco WEBEX Meeting and Skype. Looking forward to use other online platforms. Let me know if you have any suggestions!

We don’t care, people don’t bother to share,

We don’t share, people don’t bother to care.


The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND) 2019 was held on the 25th-26th November 2019 at Zenith Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia. Through our theme “Disaster Management for Resilience and Sustainability”, this international conference is a continuing series of regional conferences on natural disaster. 

This conference has provide a platform to collect and disseminate the most updated technology and research of regional issues and public interests in the field of Natural Disaster in order to contribute to the community and to draw support from the industry and government sectors.

As a part of the RCND secretariat team, I also have been appointed as the Chairperson for Technical Session 3 (A) on the topic: Water Related Disaster and Water Supply and Sanitation. It was such a great experience for me as I have been paired with Dr. Karlina from Indonesia.