Congratulations to the following students for their remarkable participation in the 2nd International Conference
on Green and Safe Cities (IeGRESAFE 2024).
- Zul-Azri bin Ibrahim (Doctor of Philosophy): A Systematic Review of Multimodal Analytical Technique for Enhancing Cyber Resilience in Smart Cities
- Nor Nashrah binti Azmi (Doctor of Philosophy): Cyber Resilience in Renewable Energy Systems: A Case Study on European Wind Power Systems
- Nazmirul Izzad bin Nassir (Master of Science (Business Intelligence and Analytics)) : Predictive Modeling of Sustainable Tourism Practices using Online Travel Agent Platform: A Malaysian Case Study
This conference provided an excellent platform for showcasing their innovative research and contributing to global discussions on sustainable and resilient urban systems.
Thank you to the organizers of IeGRESAFE 2024 for hosting such a meaningful event that empowers researchers to collaborate and innovate.