International Students Visit from the UNIVERSITY OF ANDALAS

There are 4 international students  from the UNIVERSITY OF ANDALAS, FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCES have visited Faculty of Science, UTM on 30 October – 5 November 2019.

Our special guests are RAHMAWATI YUSRI (Msc, Physics) , GUSRIAN PUTRA (Msc, Mathematics), ALBER EFAN MOHAMMAD (Bsc, Chemistry), NANDA NELFITRIZA (Bsc, Biology).

Thanks for the souvenir from Padang!

Meeting with Dean of Faculty of Science

Campus tour –  DSI.

Science Lab tour 1:  Biotechnology and Biochemistry Laboratory

Science Lab tour 2: UTM Laser Centre

Science Lab tour 3: Optics Application Laboratory

Meeting with UTM CIAM & TDPIPA


The visit was reported by Dr Zarina in UTM News.

UNAND Students exposed to learning, teaching and research environment at Faculty of Science UTM