Category Archives: University

” Kahoot! for e-content and Bonus in eLPPT”

We are please to have Dr Thoo from AHIBS to conduct a workshop for ” Kahoot! for e-content and Bonus in eLPPT”

Date : 30th September 2020 (Wednesday)
Time : 2.30pm
Venue : Mathematics Lab 3, C22 Level 3
Speaker : Dr Grace Thoo Ai Chin (FREE group leader from AHIBS)

#FREE FS 2020

Big thank to Dr Thoo for her interesting sharing, as well as gift for the “winners” in Kahoot! gamification session.

Updating course information (CI)


For academic staff, we can always obtain the latest and useful updates on preparing course information from CIDU webiste below:

Templates for CI and supplementary for online teaching during MCO can  downloaded in the website.

Closing Ceremony Research Month@FS 2020

The closing of the Research Month @FS 2020 program has been completed by Prof. Datuk Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) UTM.

Thank you & Congratulations to the Committee members in making this fruitful program successful!


Celebrate Malaysia Independence Day in advance!
