Phd Computational Chemistry
Cardiff University, United Kingdom

M.Sc Molecular modelling
Cardiff University, United Kingdom

B.Sc. Hons Chemistry
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

From Soapy Explosions to Inspiring Minds: A Chemist's Journey through Learning and Simulation

Remember that feeling of childhood wonder? The thrill of a soapy concoction bubbling in the sink, its frothy magic promising untold scientific marvels? For me, that fascination never faded. It bloomed in the fluorescent glow of high school labs, where the clinking of flasks became a symphony of discovery. Today, as a lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), I live that passion every day, not just in my own research, but in the eyes of students embarking on their own scientific adventures.

My love for chemistry isn’t just about beakers and bunsen burners. It’s about the invisible dance of atoms and molecules, the secrets they whisper when coaxed by simulations. Computational modeling and chemometrics – these are my tools, my brushes with which I paint vibrant pictures of the unseen. Watching electrons waltz on my screen, witnessing structures shift and dance in response to virtual nudges – it’s like peering into the very fabric of reality.

But science isn’t a solitary pursuit. It thrives on the spark of shared knowledge, the “ah-ha!” moments that illuminate a student’s face. That’s why I teach. To see minds blossom, curiosity morph into competence, and knowledge become a powerful tool. My philosophy? “To educate and to inspire.” To ignite that same spark I felt years ago, the one that propelled me from soapy experiments to a Ph.D. under UTM’s prestigious scholarship in 2010.

My journey hasn’t been a textbook one. It’s been a tapestry woven with research grants, of leading teams through the intricate pathways of computational chemistry, molecular dynamics, and chemometrics analysis. Two external grants and four internal UTM grants stand as testaments to my dedication, each delve deeper into the mysteries of the microscopic world.

In the classroom, I’m not just a lecturer, I’m a conductor. I orchestrate lectures into symphonies of understanding, employing flipped classrooms and student-centered learning to turn passive listening into active exploration. Jigsaws, discussions, and pair-sharing – these are the instruments I use to break down complex concepts and build bridges between theory and practice. Blended learning adds another layer, with online videos, interactive activities, and a treasure trove of resources keeping the learning flame burning bright beyond the classroom walls.

But UTM isn’t just my workplace, it’s my alma mater, the soil that nurtured my scientific dreams. Here, generations of engineers and scientists have been shaped, not just in academics, but in character. The Faculty of Science’s MyRoadmap initiative, a testament to UTM’s dedication to student development, perfectly captures this spirit. It’s a personalized map, guiding students toward not just academic success, but well-rounded, responsible citizens.

My story, from childhood chemistry sets to doctoral dissertations, is a testament to the transformative power of education, the endless intrigue of scientific exploration, and the joy of inspiring future generations. At UTM, I’ve found the perfect canvas to paint my scientific dreams, and the eager eyes of my students are the brightest colors on my palette.

So, whether you’re a seasoned scientist or a curious student just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of knowledge, join me on this journey. Let’s explore the invisible, unlock the secrets of the universe, and paint our own masterpieces of discovery, one molecule at a time.