+07 - 553 5582 hasrinah@utm.my

All the people I know have the whatsapp apps on their smartphone and using them religiously.

I think, on average, personally, I will send about 5 sentences in every half hour throughout the day using whatsapp.  Minus 8hours sleep, that will amounting to 160. Sounds about right (and syyyy Image result for silent emojimay be more sometime 😆 ). With that much messages, there were times, I felt to emphasize on certain word, or highlight my messages and even sending out the same messages to few people (ohhh by the way, already have too many groups, and hate to create just another group for the sake a certain short term matter). So, I started to visit Mr. Google and gather some of the tips/tricks available in this app. Today I would share the first one that I have used and some will be used a lot…

1) Bold, italic, strikethrough, new font

* at the beginning and end of the word *trial*
_ (underscore) at the beginning and end of the word _trial_
~ at the beginning and end of the word ~trial~
` symbol three times at the beginning and end of the word “`trial“` (it’s like a typewriter font)

but if you think it is so much work to remember all the symbols, for Androids, once you type the words, highlight them, and you will see “cut copy paste Related image” click the Related image(more) and VOILA!!! all that functions will come out.

So, guys… try it out and hopefully we have more exciting messages to send out. See you again  😎