+07 - 553 5582 hasrinah@utm.my

iCGPA briefing

Date: 26 Sept 2017 Time: 2.30pm Venue: Dewan Seminar, CICT

We are drawn to shiny objects???

To me, the answer is simple, YES, I am! But why? A study mentioned that human has the intuition of survival and drawn to nature. Since water is a necessity for us and gems evoke the glossy surface of a body of water, we are very much drawn towards them. Read the full...

Unusual Creepy After Math of Hurricane Irma

Summary: Currently, some shorelines near the Bahamas and the Gulf Coast of Florida seemed bare and drained. Where have all the water gone? According to Judson Jones (CNN meteorologist), the strong wind was actually pushed the water away from the shore to further...