+07 - 553 5582 hasrinah@utm.my

Battle of Winterthur

The Wikipedia article of the day for November 27, 2017 is Battle of Winterthur. The Battle of Winterthur (27 May 1799) was fought between French forces under André Masséna and elements of the Austrian army under Friedrich Freiherr von Hotze during the War of the...

38th (Welsh) Infantry Division

The Wikipedia article of the day for November 26, 2017 is 38th (Welsh) Infantry Division. The 38th (Welsh) Infantry Division of the British Army was active during the First and the Second World War. The division arrived in France in 1915. In July 1916 at the Battle of...

New Worlds

The Wikipedia article of the day for November 25, 2017 is New Worlds (magazine). New Worlds is a British science fiction magazine that began in 1936 as a fanzine called Novae Terrae. It was first published professionally in 1946, edited by John Carnell. It was the...


Majlis Anugerah Penghargaan Staf 2023

Congratulations to all AMTEC’s members for the outstanding achievement in ”Majlis Anugerah Penghargaan Staf 2023” under Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering UTM

Anugerah Perkhidmatan Kecemerlangan Award 2020

Congratulations to Anugerah Perkhidmatan Kecemerlangan Award recipients in Majlis Anugerah Gemilang Fakulti Kejuruteraan 2020

Appointed as an acting DIRECTOR (Energy Engineering)

Heartiest congratulations to Dr. Hasrinah Hasbullah for being appointed as an acting DIRECTOR (Energy Engineering) School of Chemical and Energy Engineering effective on 1st July 2022.

Awarded the 2021 Festival Grant

Congratulations Dr. Hasrinah binti Hasbullah for being awarded the 2021 Festival Grant in amount $3000 by American Chemical Society’s Committee Activities (IAC), Committee on Community Activities (CCA) and Society Committee on Education (SOCED).