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Citra Karisma 2020
CItra Karisma 2020 Alhamdullilah, I received the Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang (APC)
Senibong Cove
Senibong Cove Site visit to Senibong Cove for research collaboration
UTM and UAdeC Virtual Presentation with researchers from Mexico!
webinar IChemE
Webinar IChemE Webinar organised by IChemE on Cultured Meat
Malaysia in PKP2020
Malaysia PKP 2020 Due to pandemic COVID-19, Work-from-home and online learning was implemented
PhD journey
I started my PhD research in Sep 2011 and completed my research in Dec 2015. After four years of perseverance, hardship and determination, Alhamdullilah, I passed my PhD with minor correction! This is my post viva picture with my supervisor - Dr. Frank Baganz.
After finishing my master degree, I was offered a scholarship to continue my PhD in one of the best universities in the world. That university was University College London or well known as UCL in the United Kingdom. My PhD research was in the area of Biochemical...