Graduated Students

List of students
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) candidate
Mohamed Jamal Ahmed Altuwaijari, Main supervisor
Project title: Antimicrobial activity of nanocurcumin in combination with antibiotics against biofilm-associated pathogens causing wound infection
Rabiu Salihu, Co- supervisor
Project title: Bacterial cellulose from “Nata de coco” for potential application as bone tissue engineering scaffold
Nurul Farhana Hussin, Co-supervisor
Project title: Structural studies of an intracellular serine protease from Bacillus pumillus
Amnah Ismail A Asiri, Co-supervisor
Project title: Synthesis and Biological study of Electrospinning PVA nanofibers with (FB/EP) GF for Medical Wound Healing Application
Master candidate
To Soon Wei, Main supervisor
Project title: Expansion of 3-Dimensional (3D) culture of human mesenchymal stem cell on the novel cellulose-based microcarrier
Muhammad Zainuddin Arriafdi, Co- Supervisor
Project title: Development of low-cost miniature bioreactor for biotechnology
Final year undergraduate project (FYUP) candidate
Rayhan Romy Syahputra, Main supervisor
Project title: Development of cellulose microcarrier from palm oil empty fruit bunch for mammalian MSC culture
Low Wen Yen, Main supervisor
Project title: Effect of surface volume ratio on mesenchymal stem cell culture in microscale
Sarah Athirah binti Shaifulddin, Main supervisor
Project title: Optimisation of Alginate Bead Immobilised on Locally Isolated Microalgae from Municipal Wastewater
Foo Siew Suen, Main supervisor
Project title: Optimisation of alginate bead immobilised on locally isolated microalgae from POME
List of GRADUATED students
Master of Science (Biotechnology)
Abdulkarim Abdulkader Yousfi, (2019) Main supervisor
Project title: Comparison between batch and fed-batch cultures of Chinese hamster ovary-DG44 using multi-well plate
Darshini a/p Murugiah (2018), Main supervisor
Project title: Selection of microcarrier for the mammalian cells in microwell attachment plates
Fatin Syamimi Sabri (2018), Main supervisor
Project title: Evaluation of multi-well based system for antibody production using Chinese hamster ovary cell
Final year undergraduate project (FYUP)
To Soon Wei, Main supervisor
Project title: Optimisation of microalgae Arthrospira sp. cultivation in 2 litres photobioreactor
Gan Choon Fei, Main supervisor
Project title:Optimisation of microalgae Chlorella sp. cultivation in 2 litres photobioreactor
Adlia Adhiha Mohd Nooh, Main supervisor
Project title: Characterisation of Cellonsphere 3 microcarrier on mesenchymal stem cell monolayer culture
Lim Kheng Jiang, Main supervisor
Project title: Characterisation of Cytodex 3 microcarrier on mesenchymal stem cell monolayer culture
Nurul Huda Yusri, Main supervisor
Project title: Characterisation of Cellonsphere 2 microcarrier on mesenchymal stem cell monolayer culture
Nik Muhammadd Aizat Nik Ali, Main supervisor
Project title: Screening of Cellonsphere 2 microcarrier in a microwell attachment plates for mammalian cell
Nurul’Ashikin Haamdan, Main supervisor
Project title: Screening of Cellonsphere 3 microcarrier in a microwell attachment plates for mammalian cell
Nurul Hidayah Khairuddin, Main supervisor
Project title: Screening of Cytodex 3 microcarrier in a microwell attachment plates for mammalian cell
Muhammad Zulhilmi Amir Awaluddin, Main supervisor
Project title: Effect of carbon dioxide perturbation on Chinese hamster ovary cell viability and metabolism
Mohd Kamil Mohamad, Main supervisor
Project title: Effect of glucose concentration on Chinese hamster ovary cell viability and metabolism
Muhammad Nur Afif Jamil, Main supervisor
Project title: Effect of temperature downshift on Chinese hamster ovary cell viability and metabolism