SLA new assessment during CMO due to Covid-19

It is always a practice for my course, MPPZ1103 Second Language Acquisition, or better known as SLA, to have a final exam for its summative assessment. However, this semester, it took a different turn. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, Control Movement Order (CMO) had been implemented and university was ordered to be closed since 18th March 2020. I was not sure if it’s a good or unpleasant news for my students when CMO was in place. I guessed it must be something to cheer about especially when they found out that the final exam will be replaced with another assignment. Yayyy! (I bet this was their reaction when I announced it to them).

Well, the new assessment is a bit like the final exam question no 2 where students have to design classroom activities and discuss their underpinning SLA theories. Hence, I took the same approach for this new assessment but I added a mock teaching component to it. The students had to design a lesson plan, discuss the activities’ undepinning SLA theories and finally teach it online. The classmates acted as the students. It was great to see how my students got to be so creative and innovative with their teaching. Some of these interesting approaches include the use of quizziz, padlet, wheel of names, hand gestures and live demonstration of pizza making! I will share the link to their video once I received it from my students. Until then, enjoy these photos!

9 thoughts on “SLA new assessment during CMO due to Covid-19”

  1. Thank you Dr for being a wonderful buddy like mentor to us. Miss all the insightful sharing with fellow classmates. It was indeed an exceptional experience.

  2. Indeed, having a replacement of final exam in the form of assignment is considered a fantastic experience and I personally love it. The online teaching and learning sessions conducted for the purpose of completing the assignment were considered a remarkably superb experience especially when we can actually share extraordinary techniques to achieve learning objectives virtually. Last but not least, the credit goes to our awesome lecturer and facilitator, Dr Hema for endless guidance throughout the sessions. Thank you so much, Dr for always being there!

  3. Instead of having a typical mock teaching, using synchronous teaching & learning is something new to explore further. The feedback and discussion have assisted me to view online learning in different perspective that we were never aware of although we may have done it in class.

  4. It was an amazing experience to attend your classes Dr.Hema. The extra assignment as a replacement for exam made me to open up my mind even more wider. Seeing the different activities and ideas from the other classmates made me to realise that everything is possible through online teaching. Dr.Hema, you has made the class way interesting and exciting. Thank you for giving us this great experience.

  5. Synchronous mock teaching was fun! It allows me, as a primary school teacher, to test and experience the functions of different online platforms for teaching and learning. 🙂

  6. I enjoy the most about online learning is that it is extremely successful in terms of flexibility. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and have gained much knowledge. Being able to access the learning material anytime and anyplace helps me to better balance my work and study commitments. Dr. Hema, you have helped me in more ways than simply enriching my basic knowledge. Your class is always interesting and exciting. Thank you so much. Thank you, Dr for being an amazing facilitator to us.

    1. I love synchronous mock teaching! It allowed students to get well prepared, with authentic materials in our hands to present the mock teaching. It gave students Online teaching experience through real practice but not just theoretical knowledge. Lively and interesting.

  7. First thing first, thank you to Dr for being an amazing lecturer to us because I believe conducting online classes during MCO is not easy. This is the first time for me to do mock teaching through online. Therefore, it was a great and beneficial experience to me. I hope this will help me a lot in future especially if I become a lecturer and need to conduct an online learning class with my students.

  8. I truly enjoyed the mock teaching session as it helps me to learn new and creative ways of teaching English done by my classmates who are experienced teachers. The idea to conduct a mock teaching using synchronous and asynchronous platform proposed by Dr Hema is a really interesting idea because it helps us to be more critical and creative to design our lesson. Thank you Dr Hema for being a great lecturer to us.