My research niche is to develop innovative solutions in technologies and engineering for contributing to SDG 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.


- To Conserve and Sustainably Use the World’s Ocean, Seas and Marine Resources.
- Ocean Engineering (includes Fluid-Structure Interactions, Hydrodynamics, Ocean Renewable Energy)
Selected Projects
- Suppression of Vortex-Induced Vibration of Low Mass Ratio Circular Cylinder Using Shroud, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Member (2019-2021)
- Array Configuration Effect on the Power Output of Offshore Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine in Malaysian Sea, FRGS, Member (2020-2024)
- The Effect of Secondary Hydrofoil Rod Form and Attack Angle for Vortex Induced Vibration Suppression, FRGS, Member (2019-2022)
- Suppression of LNG Sloshing during Ship-to-Ship Operation by Artificial Damping from Magneto-Rheological based Synthetic Foam Floating Baffles, UTM-IIIG, PI (2019-2022)
- Effectiveness of Hydrofoil (Fins) on Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) Vessel to Achieve Low Resistance and Comfort at High Speed Condition, FRGS, Member (2019-2022)
- Machine Learning in Forecasting the Vortex-Induced Vibration of Riser, UTM-IIIG, Member (2019-2021)
- Experimental Analysis of Semi Active Magneto-Rheological Damper and Applications in Offshore Engineering, Texas A&M University Contract Research, PI (2018-2020).
- Numerical Wave Tank for Hydrodynamic Analysis of Ship Resistance in Waves, UTM-COE, PI (2018-2021)
- Malaysia-China Research and Cooperation on Marine Renewable Energy Utilization, MOSTI ICF, Member (2018-2020)
- Machine Learning in Predicting the Vortex-Induced Vibration of Riser for Fundamental Data Preparation of MR Damper, Texas A&M Contract, Member (2018-2020)
- Low Speed Vertical Axis Current Turbine for Electrification of Remote Areas in Malaysia, Sciencefund, Member (2017-2019)
- Numerical Analysis of Floating Terminal for Mooring of LNG Carrier and Floating Storage Regasification Unit, UTM-T2, Member (2016-2018)
- Application of Variable Stiffness System with Magneto-Rheological Damper for Model Test in Towing Tank, UTM Grant, PI (2016-2017)
- Development of Combined Ocean Renewable Energy System Prototype (CORES), PRGS, Member (2015-2017)
- New Concept of Wave Energy-Breakwater Device, LEP Grant, Member (2015-2017)
Selected Publications
- Ma G., Jin C., Wang H., Li P., Kang H.S., 2023, Study on dynamic tension estimation for the underwater soft yoke mooring system with LSTM-AM neural network, Ocean Engineering 267, 113287. (IF=4.372)
- Sukarnoor et al., 2022, An investigation of the dynamic behaviour of two rigid cylinders in a tandem arrangement under vortex-induced vibration, J Ocean Engineering and Science. (IF=4.803)
- Ramzi et al., 2022, Suppression of Vortex-induced Vibration of a rigid cylinder using Flexible Shrouding, Applied Ocean Research 123, 103154. (IF=3.761)
- Ng C.Y., Tuhaijan S.N.A., Kurian V.J., Mustaffa Z., Yazid E., Kang H.S. 1, 2022, Effect of Directional Spreading Angles on The Wave Hydrodynamic Coefficients for Vertical Cylinder, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 13(2) 101550. (IF=5.190)
- Sukarnoor, N.I.M., Lee K.Q., Abu A., Kuwano N., Kang H.-S., Desa S.M., 2022, The effectiveness of helical strakes in suppressing vortex-induced vibration of tandem circular cylinders, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 13(1), 101502. (IF=5.190)
- Patel M.S., Liew M.S., Kang H.S., Lee K.Q., Kim M.H., Bambole A., 2022, Dynamic roll instability of Liquid Natural Gas carrier during offloading operations and prediction of downtime cost in Malaysian waters, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment. (IF=1.322)
- Li P.J., Dai T., Jin X., Dong L.L., Liu S., Yang S., Xiang X., Kang H.S., 2021, A semi-analytical solution for dynamic stress of the nonbonded flexible riser in the fatigue analysis, Ships and Offshore Structures. (IF=1.934)
- Feng A., Kang H.S., Zhao B., Jiang Z., 2020, Two-Dimensional Numerical Modelling of a Moored Floating Body under Sloping Seabed Conditions, J Marine Science and Engineering, 8(6), 389. (IF=2.458)
- Quen L.K., Aminudin A., Naomi K., Pauziah M., Tan L.K., Kang H.S., 2018, Performance of two- and three-start helical strakes in suppressing the vortex-induced vibration of a low mass ratio flexible cylinder, Ocean Engineering, 166, 253-261. (IF=3.795)
- Yap Z.H., Tang C.H.H., Kang H.S., Quen L.K., Nur T., 2021, Roll motion compensation by active marine gyrostabiliser, Indian J Geo-Marine Sciences, 50(11) 922-929.
- Quen L.K., Abu A., Kato N., Muhamad P., Kang H.S., Lim M.H., Mohd A.A.R., 2020, Vortex-induced vibration characteristics of a low-mass-ratio flexible cylinder, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 75(5) 621-631. (IF=2.998)
- Ma G., Zhong L., Zhang X., Ma Q., Kang H.S., 2020, Mechanism of mooring line breakage of floating offshore wind turbine under extreme coherent gust with direction change condition, J Marine Science and Technology. (IF=1.947)
- Maldar N.R., Ng C.Y., Ean L.W., Oguz E., Fitriadhy A., Kang H.S., 2020, A Comparative Study on the Performance of a Horizontal Axis Ocean Current Turbine Considering Deflector and Operating Depths, Sustainability, 12(8), 3333. (IF=3.251)
- Kang H.S., Kim M.H., Aramanadka S.S.B., 2020, Numerical Analysis on Mathieu Instability of a Top-Tensioned Riser in a Dry-Tree Semisubmersible, J Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 142. (IF=1.355)
Correlated SDGs

- Marine Decarbonization (Decarbonized Shipping, Mariculture-based Carbon capture, Storage, and Reutilization) (Marine Sustainability)
Selected Projects
- Parametric Studies of Sloshing Effect on the Growth of Microalgae in a Novel Offshore Floating Photo-bioreactor, National grant, PI (2020-2022)
- Membrane-Microalgal Bioreactor Hybrid System for Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Capture and Repurpose, Institutional grant, Member (2019-2022)
- Membrane-Microalgal Bioreactor Hybrid System For Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Capture And Reutilization, L’Oréal Grant, Member (2021)
- A Study on Maneuverability of Fish Farming Vessel for Sustainable Offshore Aquaculture in Malaysian water, UTMER, Member (2021-2023)
- Autonomous Water-Gas Filling Ratio Control in Horizontal Floating Microalgae Photo-Bioreactor for Optimum Harnessing of Wave-Induced-Sloshing Energy, UTMER, Member (2019-2022)
Selected Publications
- Khor et al., 2022, Microalgae Cultivation in Offshore Floating Photobioreactor: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities and Challenges, Aquacultural Engineering 98, 102269. (IF=3.273)
- Chiong et al., 2021, Challenges and opportunities of marine propulsion with liquid alternative fuels, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 149 (2021) 111397. (IF=16.799)
- Wong et al., 2022, The State-Of-The-Art Functionalized Nanomaterials for Carbon Dioxide Separation Membrane, Membranes, 12(2) 186. (IF=4.562)
- Goh et al., 2022, Microalgae-Enabled Wastewater Remediation and Nutrient Recovery through Membrane Photobioreactors: Recent Achievements and Future Perspective, Membranes, 12(11), 1094, (IF=4.562)
- Rawindran H., Lim J.W., Raksasat R., Liew C.S., Sahrin N.T., Leong W.H., Kiatkittipong W., Abdelfattah E.A., Lam M.K., Goh P.S., Kang H.S., pH spurring microalgal cells to subsist onto palm kernel expeller for growing into biodiesel feedstock, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 53, Part C, October 2022, 102672. (IF=7.632)
Correlated SDGs

- Marine Plastics Pollution (Fluid-Structure Interaction, Marine Sustainability)
- Marine Plastics Pollution Monitoring, Control and Clean-up
Selected Projects
- Floating Plastic Debris Monitoring in Marine Area and Its Implication of Ocean Cleanup Technologies, International Grant, PI (2020-2023)
- Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia, International grant, Member (2020-2023)
- Floating Microalgal Bio-photovoltaic System as Sustainable Power Source for Marine Plastic Cleanup Technologies in the Ocean, UTM-IIIG, PI (2021-2022)
- Installation and Maintenance of River Monitoring System for In-Situ Automatic Visual Monitoring of Floating Marine Plastic Debris at Klang River, the Ocean Cleanup, Member (2022-2024)
- Design and Fabrication of Depth Trawl System for Floating Marine Plastic Debris Monitoring at Klang River, the Ocean Cleanup, Member (2022-2024)
- Machine Learning in Predicting the number of Floating Plastic Debris at Rivers, the Ocean Cleanup, Member (2021-2022)
- Automated Floating Plastic Debris Detection and Identification in Coastal Regions using Low-Cost Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV), UTM-IIIG, Member (2021-2022)
- Unmanned surface vehicle assisted bathymetry survey at Skudai river and Tebrau river for feasible utilization of Interceptor systems, the Ocean Cleanup, Member (2021-2022)
- Aerial inspection of floating plastic debris at Klang river using UAV for deployment of Interceptor systems, the Ocean Cleanup, Member (2021-2022)
- Floating Plastic Debris Monitoring in Marine Area and its Implication of Ocean Cleanup Technologies at Langat River, the Ocean Cleanup, Member (2020-2023)
- Floating Plastic Debris Monitoring in Marine Area and Its Implication of Ocean Cleanup Technologies using Low-Cost Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV), the Ocean Cleanup, Member (2020-2022)
Selected Publications
- Goh et al., 2022, Nanomaterials for microplastic remediation from aquatic environment: Why nano matters? Chemosphere 299 (2022) 134418. (IF=8.943)
- Purba N. P., Faizal I., Valino D.A., Kang H.S., Sugianto E., Martasuganda M.K., Abimanyu A., Bratasena T., Zenyda K.S., Prayogo N, Ramdhani F., Khan A.M.A., Development of autonomous multi‑sensor ocean monitoring instrument designed for complex archipelagic waters, Int J Environmental Science and Technology. (IF=3.519)
- Higgins, D., Correia, R., Kang, H. S., Quen, L. K., Ken, T. L., Vollering, A., Pinson, S., H. Assumpção, T., and Mani, T., 2023, Trials and design iterations experienced developing a low-cost depth trawl to sample macroplastic through the water column of a tidal river., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4878., 2023.
Correlated SDGs

- International Collaboration for achieving Ocean Sustainability (Marine Sustainability)
- International and Regional Consortium for Ocean Sustainability, Reliability, and Safety
Selected Projects
- Network for Marine Traffic Information Exchange in Malaysian Shipping Industry for a Safer and Sustainable Ocean, project under Norway-ASEAN Consortium in Risk Management for Safer and Sustainable Ocean (NESS), Research Council of Norway, UTM Coordinator (2021-2025).
- Safe and Sustainable Decommissioning of Offshore Structures Taking into Consideration the Peculiarities of the ASEAN & South Asia Regions, Member (2020-2024).
- Green Shipping Practices, Rational Culture and Sustainability among Malaysian Shipping Companies for a Safer and Sustainable Ocean, NTNU Contract, PI (2022-2025)
- Conceptualization of Industry 4.0-based Yard Layout as Game-Changer for Upcoming Offshore Platforms Decommissioning Challenge in Malaysia, UTMFR, PI (2022-2024)
- Intelligent Cooperative Planning and Control of a Swarm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in Flight and Docking Operations, UTMF4, Member (2022-2025)
- AI-assisted Ship Manoeuvring Simulator with Improved, Collision Avoidance Model, UTM-ER, Member (2020-2022)
- Reliability and Safety Engineering and Technology for Large Maritime Engineering System, EU H2020, Member (2017-2023)
Selected Publications
- Zhao et al., 2023, Cascading failure analysis of multistate loading dependent systems with application in an overloading piping network, Reliability Engineering & System Safety (IF=7.247)
- Jalal M.R., Hamid M.F.A., Kader A.S.A., Kang H.S., 2023, A Stochastic Petri Net‐based Approach for Operational Performance Estimation of Quay Cranes, Quality and Reliability Engineering International. (IF=3.007)
- Le et al., 2023, A Review of Mercury Waste Management in the ASEAN Oil and Gas Industry, J Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 27(1).
- Ma G., Kamaruddin M.H., Kang H.S.*1, Goh P.S., Kim M.H., Lee K.Q., Ng C.Y., 2021, Watertight Integrity of Underwater Robotic Vehicles by Self-Healing Mechanism, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 12(2), 1995-2007. (IF=4.790)
- Yu X., Li L., Xiong Z., Kang H.S.1, 2020, Hit Probability of Cylindrical Objects Dropped on the Pipeline in Offshore Operations, J Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice. (IF=1.500)
- Leow J.S., Leow J.S., Kang H.S., Yaakob O., Punurai W., Amelia S.,Le H.T., 2023, Technical preparedness in Southeast Asia region for onshore dismantling of offshore structures: Gaps and opportunities, Ocean Systems Engineering, 13(1), 79-95.
Correlated SDGs