Project Leader

Number of Research Grant as Principal Investigator (PI) = 5 GRANTS

Total amount of Grant as Principal Investigator (PI) = RM 350,700.00

1Modified Extract Transform Load (ETL) for Improving Big Data Integration Algorithm in Streamlined Creation and Updating OLAP database ProcessingFRGSRM105,700R.K130000.7856.5F229
2Designing Big Data Integration Architecture for Online Space Weather AnalyticRUGRM50,000Q.K130000.2538.14H08
3Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm of Image Segmentation for Skin Lesion Images in Automated Medical DiagnosisFRGSRM65,000R.K130000.7838.4F266
4Development of Appointment Scheduling Agent using Distributed Constraints Satisfaction (DisCP),E-SCIENCE FUNDRM110,000R.K130000.7932.3S106
5A Study on the Performance of Back Propagation and Individual Forecast Technique in Developing Real Time Flood Forecasting Model for Johor Catchment AreaST (FUNDAMENTAL GRANT)RM20,00071834