1. I would like to send
    Her Excellency Dr Merve Safa Kavakci, the Ambassador
    The great shaikh of World ulema H. E Shaikh Ahmed Almahanfi Rehma Passed away tukish is in great Moan he established and brought islam and kings of Osmanis back in Turkia
    . We all are sadened eith his departure . I pray and remember him in special prayer we will send . we present you all condolance with Darood Ibrahimi to milate islam , Turkia for with The Blessings of Allah Subhan Wa Tahllah . the departure of your beloved from this world passed away called came one day we all have to go to the other world may Allah make us on thus journey with the blessings of Allah on Islam as Momin ameen . May Allah’blessings of your ~elder Allah Accept . Time The news to~ learn the sad demise of our beloved we pray to Allah and present condolences For his In’na LiL’Lahay Wa In’na ELay Hay Rajay’oon. May ALLAH ALMIGHTY rest the departed soul in peace and give the courage to all to bear the loss (Ameen). Indeed islamia milat lost a great leader May allah grant all Saber E Jamil Patience to bear the sad news to family loved ones. May Allah Bless may Allah bless the our beloved in paradise . may Allah bless the sole grant place in paradise . Allah had distained him the great Oliah Allah bless him with jannah Fardose may Allah have blessins for magferat . May Allah bless in paradise DrMalik Sardar khan i have more to send upon your acknowledgement I am in Touch with HRH Princess

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