How to Make the Perfect Apology


SEPTEMBER 20, 2018

How do you apologize for something hurtful? Crafting an apology that can make the person you’ve hurt feel better is no small feat. In fact, in order to be truly effective, an apology must contain these six components, a 2016 study published in Negotiation and Conflict Management Research found.

  1. Expression of regret
  2. Explanation of what went wrong
  3. Acknowledgment of responsibility
  4. Declaration of repentance
  5. Offer of repair
  6. Request for forgiveness

And that doesn’t even take into account the specific person you’re addressing.

Dr. Jennifer Thomas, co-author of When Sorry Isn’t Enough, TED speaker and psychologist, has conducted research, alongside Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, to come up with five apology languages: expressing regret, accepting responsibility, making restitution, genuinely repenting and requesting forgiveness.

self reminder

Self reminder :
Jom kita didik diri utk “ikhlas” membantu mrk yg memerlukan… tugas, akan jd seronok & menyeronokkan…
Tidak perlu kita berpura-pura kerana kepura-puraan akan hanya menyiksakan & tersiksa.



Was featured in AHIBS’s FB

An intimate afternoon with AHIBS Deputy Registrar, Datin Huz, sharing and devouring the cores of ‘Memacu Kecemerlangan’ – UTM strategic book for 2019 by Datuk Vice Chancellor.

“Tanam anggur ranum bergugus
Santan berlemak kelapa tua
Pohon nipah tinggal sebatang 
Rambut selembar pastinya putus
Ikat seribu terangkum semua
Jadi pautan mencapai bintang”

Indeed, WE are ready for the Star!


Story: RJ
Photos: HEK


Getting bigger and better! Our MBA programme continues to attract more students from various industries. We would like to welcome new cohort of JKNNS (Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Negeri Sembilan) and Johor Bahru students.
It’s never too late to start a new adventure. We never said it’s going to be easy, but it surely it’s going to be worth it!
Welcome onboard.


AHIBS KL had its DBA curriculum review today. Thanks for those who came, spending time away from their research work.
May Allah ease our affairs.

The workshop was facilitated by Deputy Dean Academic, AP Dr. Rohaida.


MOU Signing Ceremony between PMIMY and UTM, supported by AHIBS. And a talk on Project Management and Sustainable Development Goals by our Dean along with other speakers.


Life is a wonderful journey, even if you are not following the mainstream!
AHIBS is proud to have our own Associate Professor Dr. Ramesh Zaidi Rozan delivering a fascinating TEDxUTM talk on “Unusual Path Travelled” that should allow us human to choreograph our own destiny. This unusual path have lead him to where he is now. Dr. Zaidi is among a diverse group of 10 prominent speakers who are talented and succeeded in their own field to present at the TEDxUTM 2019.

During our life journey, sometimes we traverse on some winding and challenging road. The journey leads us to some frightening destinations, or into the deep jungles and terrains that we need to struggle through, only to witness the beautiful green pastures in front. Such, is life.

Truly as an audience, we can learn a lot from Dr. Zaidi’s journey that may help develop and shape us as individuals, as well as prepare us for our own future adventures.

Dr. Zaidi is an Associate Professor in Information Systems at AHIBS, and currently he is the Director of the UTM Centre For Student Innovation & Technology Entrepreneurship – UTM XCITE. Kudos, Dr. Zaidi!

Story by: Dr. Zuraidah Sulaiman
Photos by: Dr. Zuraidah Sulaiman and Mohammed Nabil Mahamad


Book review session done. Thank you Dean Nur for your endless support, lecturers, staff attended in KL and JB through video conferencing.