Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

After much contemplation, i bought these babies!

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is not monstera, but people likes to call them mini monstera because the similarity with the latter. I want to call it Rhap Mon, just like my favorite BTS band member (fans call it “bias”), Namjoon a.k.a Rap Monster (Rap Mon / RM) .

Bought two cuttings of rhap mon from shoppee, i love it so much and i bought a potting mix from an online seller too. I finished repotting them just now right after i received the potting soil from the courier guy.

Comprehensive Grow and Care Guide

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is also known as mini monstera because of the similarity in the shape of the leaves.

Because it looks like a small monstera plant, this variety makes an ideal house plant in small spaces.

You’ll love seeing this happy little plant in your flat or apartment, and its compact size even makes it perfect for people living in motorhomes and boats where plants are difficult to grow.

Further info read here : Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma | Comprehensive Grow and Care Guide (evergreenseeds.com)

Get organize!

Everyone’s got a mess somewhere. You’re not alone.

Buuuuuuut … avoiding the parts of your life that are chaotic and stressful isn’t making your day-to-day any easier.

I want to live in a minimal clutter home. So to get organize is one of my effective ever mantra. Bought a plastic divider from shopee a long time ago but now it was put into a good use, yay! At last my socks drawer now looks neat. We have three small drawer contains our socks (me and my 3 childs’) as well as one small shoe box of the same content for my youngest daughter.

I also organized my forever pending and forever increasing number of wide shawl. So I decided to donate plenty of them to donation box in the campus. Only small (ehems!) portion are to stay. Time are well spent to get them organized. Alhamdulillah.

Bengkel Perancangan Strategik DPPC

28-30 Januari 2022 di Avillion Admiral Cove, Port Dickson 

Objektif : membentuk pelan strategik yang bersifat holistik ke arah pembangunan perancangan pelan strategik yang turut menyokong aspirasi kerajaan ke arah pengurusan dan pengurangan risiko bencana yang lebih baik di Malaysia.

Homepage | Disaster Preparedness & Prevention Centre (DPPC) (utm.my)https://mjiit.utm.my/dppc/

Saya ditempatkan di dalam kumpulan 2 untuk membincangkan mengenai akademik dan latihan profesional. Semoga apa yang telah dibincangkan dapat meyumbang kepada kemajuan DPPC.

Anak-anak turut serta menemani saya di PD, sempatlah juga mereka bersantai di tepi pantai dan juga berbasikal serta mandi kolam. Alhamdulillah di atas masa yang diberikan untuk meluangkan masa bersama anak-anak.

My first Philodendron

I decided to bought this plant from Shopee in November 2021. One for me and another one for my bestie in UTMJB.

Philodendron is a large genus of flowering plants in the familyAraceae. As of September 2015, the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepted 489 species;[2] other sources accept different numbers.[3][4] Regardless of number of species, the genus is the second-largest member of the family Araceae, after genus Anthurium. Taxonomically, the genus Philodendron is still poorly known, with many undescribed species. Many are grown as ornamental and indoor plants. The name derives from the Greek words philo- or “love, affection” and dendron or “tree”. The generic name, Philodendron, is often used as the English name, “philodendron”.

Source : Philodendron – Wikipedia

What i love about this plant is the lacey leave. Philodenron Hope have broad and green leaves. After few days at home and repotted, i decided that my office needs some greens and until now i thinks that was the best decision i’ve ever made. The room light up instantly when this Philo resides in. At that point, i know that i am not going to let it be alone so i guess other “plants for life” will soon comes in.

As of now i need to read more and seek useful information about this lovable Philo so i can provide proper TLC.

