The Importance of Hobbies for Stress Relief

My hobbies are baking, doing beading work on clothes and a little bit of gardening eventho it is almost extinct from my hobby list ;D.
Updated December 08, 2018

Hobbies are often thought of as activities for people who lead quiet, relaxed lives. However, people with full, busy, even stressful lives may need hobbies more than the average person, and benefit greatly from having hobbies in their lives. Hobbies bring many benefits that usually make them more than worth the time they require. Here are some of the advantages of having hobbies.

Take A Break

Hobbies provide a slice of work-free and responsibility-free time in your schedule. This can be especially welcome for people who feel overwhelmed by all that they have to do and need to recharge their batteries by doing something they enjoy.


For those who aren’t overly stressed and may actually be under-stimulated, hobbies provide a nice source of eustress, the healthy kind of stress that we all need to remain feeling excited about life.

If the rest of your life is somewhat dull or uninspiring, hobbies can provide meaning and fun and can break up a boring schedule without feeling like work. In other words, hobbies can provide just the right amount of challenge.

Social Outlet

Many hobbies lend themselves to group activities: golfing rotations, knitting circles, and creative writing groups are good examples.

Hobbies that connect you with others can bring the added benefit of social support, which can bring stress relief and meaning to life in a fun way. The friends you have fun with can become some of your best friends, so hobbies that bring you closer to others are well worth your time.


Positive psychology, a relatively new branch of psychology that studies what makes life worthwhile, has discovered that pleasures—activities that bring fun to life—can be wonderful for relaxation and enjoyment of the moment.

Pleasures can bring a lift to your mood. Because hobbies generally incorporate pleasures into your life, maintaining hobbies can be good for your overall sense of joy in life.

Full article here :


An excellent sharing session at AHIBS KL today by Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Yusof Basiron, former CEO of the Malaysian Palm Oil Council. He took us through Malaysia’s 40 years journey transforming the palm oil industry to where it is now amidst international threats.

Malaysia, the second largest oil producer in the world, faces unending negative narratives from the developed world. One by one, MPOC overthrows these unsubstantiated allegations through effective economic, business, R & D, and marketing strategies to survive and manage public perceptions.

Kudos to the team, especially Professor Abdul Hamid Mohamed, and the supporting staff for organizing the program. Our medical doctors also came all the way from Perlis to join!

Story: RJ
Photos: Prof. Hassan Othman

Going Global in Healthcare

March 12, 2019 by 

Azman Hashim International Business School (AHIBS) and the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) have joint effort to  conduct a Global Outreach Program.

The 2-day academic visit (February 18 – 19 2019) was participated by our first cohort of medical doctors, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri, Negeri Sembilan (JKNNS) which was accompanied by the AHIBS Deputy Dean Academic & Student Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohaida,  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Siti Zaleha and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nomahaza. In general, this program aims to develop AHIBS students to be sensitive to global changes. In addition,  it also aims to enhance students to think in innovative manner and act progressively for the betterment of the nation upon graduating from UTM programs.

The participants were welcomed by Prof Dr. Catur Sugiyanto,  Director of Master of Science & Doctoral Prog. in Economics, and Dr. Tur Nastiti, Manager for Academic Student Affairs & Cooperation of Master of Science & Doctoral in Management. A briefing and introductory session on UTM and AHIBS in general was conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rohaida followed by a knowledge sharing session.  “Indonesia Health Reform: Implementation of IR 4.0 in Healthcare Management”, and “The Implementation of Casemix and Health Insurance Models in Indonesian Hospitals” were the two topics explored by Prof. Dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D. from the Faculty of Medical UGM. The session was conducted in a very interactive way in which the students also shared their experiences in the Malaysian Healthcare context.

The second day of the program was held at UGM Academic Hospital (RSA) where Dr. Arief Budiyanto, Ph.D., Sp.KK (K), who is the director of the RSA UGM and Dr. Elisbeth Siti Herini, Sp.A (K) shared and discussed their experiences in the Indonesian healthcare system.  The exciting session has engaged the students’ active participation.

Story by: Nomahaza Mahadi


The five top leadership issues to watch out for in 2018

Ms. Gupta-Sunderji is a leadership speaker and consultant.


Here are my predictions for the top five employee-related trends in the upcoming year.

My hope is that this list will give you insights as to where you should focus and emphasize your energy and effort as you go boldly into the future.

My forecasts come predominantly from two sources – from hundreds of conversations I have had with people in organizations this past year, all the way from senior executives to front-line workers, and from my ongoing perusal of a wide variety of publications and academic journals. None of these five issues are new; in fact, they’ve been gradually gaining traction for the past several years. But in 2018, I anticipate that attention to these five areas will gain the greatest momentum.

The increasing profile of mental wellness

At least four out of five employees have experienced the physical and psychological symptoms of poor mental health in the workplace, ranging from short-term stress to chronic serious conditions. Fortunately, the taboo and negative stigma attached to mental illness continue to fade. Nowadays, employees struggling with depression, anxiety, bipolar and ADHD are not only commonly diagnosed and treated, but are more likely to be accepted and supported by their workplace peers. If your organization doesn’t already have a system in place to offer mental wellness tools and resources to employees, then 2018 is the year you need to get on it.

The aging work force

As the last of the baby boomers move into their fifties and beyond, they’re living longer, healthier lives, and that presents two challenges. Some are choosing to continue to work and retire later; but just as many are opting to leave earlier. Those that stay in their leadership roles often block positions, making it harder for younger workers to progress, resulting in higher turnover and frustration in the lower and mid-ranks. On the other hand, those who choose to take early retirement invariably take decades of tacit knowledge with them. This loss of undocumented, intuitive experiential information about people, business processes and informal procedures can leave huge gaps in an organization’s cumulative intelligence. Both these scenarios can cripple your company, so it’s up to you to actively identify and work to mitigate these situations.

The influx of Generation Z

Generation Z will start turning 23 in 2018, which means that increasing numbers of them will be working in more than just fast food and retail. Just like millennials changed the face of work, so will these young entrants to the work force. In many ways, Generation Z are similar to millennials, but most of their traits are further accentuated. Think even better multi-taskers, even higher expectations, even more global, more entrepreneurial and more tech-savvy. If you’re seeking to employ high-performers in this age group, then it behooves you to understand more about who they are, what motivates them and how they operate to get things done.

The proliferation of flexible work

The trend toward remote work and flex-time continues. Employees are attracted to flexible work arrangements because they see it as freedom – to be productive, stay motivated and save time. So much so that if your organization doesn’t offer it as an option, at least periodically, it will put you at a competitive disadvantage when it comes to recruiting, hiring and keeping top performers. If you’re a leader who believes that time at the office proves a strong work ethic, then you may need to seriously question your point of view. Or else, watch while your best and brightest walk out the door … right over to your competition.

The advent of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence continues to transform the world around us, and the workplace is no exception. Robotics are already commonplace in manufacturing, but the significant change next year will be greater use of chatbots and voice-enabled virtual assistants. In the customer-service sector, chatbots already provide around-the-clock, personalized, automated conversations between company and consumer. In human-resource departments, chatbots are giving employees quick and easy answers to frequently asked questions. And voice-enabled virtual assistants are already replacing entry-level positions in many organizations. What are the opportunities in your company?


Full article here

How to Make the Perfect Apology


SEPTEMBER 20, 2018

How do you apologize for something hurtful? Crafting an apology that can make the person you’ve hurt feel better is no small feat. In fact, in order to be truly effective, an apology must contain these six components, a 2016 study published in Negotiation and Conflict Management Research found.

  1. Expression of regret
  2. Explanation of what went wrong
  3. Acknowledgment of responsibility
  4. Declaration of repentance
  5. Offer of repair
  6. Request for forgiveness

And that doesn’t even take into account the specific person you’re addressing.

Dr. Jennifer Thomas, co-author of When Sorry Isn’t Enough, TED speaker and psychologist, has conducted research, alongside Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, to come up with five apology languages: expressing regret, accepting responsibility, making restitution, genuinely repenting and requesting forgiveness.

self reminder

Self reminder :
Jom kita didik diri utk “ikhlas” membantu mrk yg memerlukan… tugas, akan jd seronok & menyeronokkan…
Tidak perlu kita berpura-pura kerana kepura-puraan akan hanya menyiksakan & tersiksa.



Was featured in AHIBS’s FB

An intimate afternoon with AHIBS Deputy Registrar, Datin Huz, sharing and devouring the cores of ‘Memacu Kecemerlangan’ – UTM strategic book for 2019 by Datuk Vice Chancellor.

“Tanam anggur ranum bergugus
Santan berlemak kelapa tua
Pohon nipah tinggal sebatang 
Rambut selembar pastinya putus
Ikat seribu terangkum semua
Jadi pautan mencapai bintang”

Indeed, WE are ready for the Star!


Story: RJ
Photos: HEK


Getting bigger and better! Our MBA programme continues to attract more students from various industries. We would like to welcome new cohort of JKNNS (Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Negeri Sembilan) and Johor Bahru students.
It’s never too late to start a new adventure. We never said it’s going to be easy, but it surely it’s going to be worth it!
Welcome onboard.


AHIBS KL had its DBA curriculum review today. Thanks for those who came, spending time away from their research work.
May Allah ease our affairs.

The workshop was facilitated by Deputy Dean Academic, AP Dr. Rohaida.