FILMORA, ADOBE SPARK & SMARTPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY TRAINING COURSE FOR KIDS’s been so long without updating new articles on my blog. Feels like I’m far away from blogging nowadays, not sure why that happens in the first place. But thank you anyway for keep on visiting my blog and yes I will update on my latest job in the office.

So we have come to the end of 2019 in a few days from now. If only I could ask myself what was the next BEST THING in your life you wanted to do in the future, I have many answers to that question. But the MOST important part is when you still bewildered with the current situation at the office as to how am I able to contribute more to my department? Demmit! I already have the answer to that question but it requires a big effort to get there! And yes hopefully it will come true! Whoosh!

As per usual, our office will conduct training courses for Schoolchildren during school holidays every year. And this was the second year we successfully manage our own training. In 2018 we offered two online multimedia courses which was Canva and Renderforest. And for this year we chose Smartphone Photography and Adobe Spark for the training course. Well if you need to know more about Adobe Spark and what it can offer to you, I’m glad to show you my short video of using Adobe Spark in the Portfolio link and also another page which I wrote about that online software here. I’m a big fan of using Adobe Spark guys!! cool So let us take a look at images of behind the scene during the training.

The promotional video above were made using Adobe Spark too! 
So that was our activities back then in the office by conducting courses for school children during their holidays. We hope that these courses will benefit them in the future wherever they go. As a trainer, yes you guys can still keep in touch with us if a question needs an answer. Insha Allah..our trainer will get back to you asap. Thank you.

Jeffri Rahman
Multimedia Producer