Assalammualaikum, and a good day to all of you wonderful people out there. I’m back again with 1st posting for the year 2020. Though I don’t have anything specific to share right about now, I would like to welcome you all in the year 2020 where we as Malaysian’s should be proud of the vision of our Prime Minister, “Wawasan 2020”. And if you grew up with the 1st announcement of Wawasan 2020 vision back then by Tun Mahathir, then we would be wondering if cars flying in the air as of now.   (still in progress I think though we don’t know when). But do you even think that Wawasan 2020 is still relevant today or is it has failed and replace by Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama 2030? Maybe the answer is YES. And since Najib Razak has stepdown as Prime Minister after the falling of BN government for the first time in the history of our country, we have to remember too the Transformasi Nasional (TN50) aspiration which has been initiated in 2017 and has been dismantled with some aspirations maintained by the current government after the GE14. Talking about politic? Nah..I’m not into that kind of stuff but it’s important to know your history in order to move forward.

Talking about my video production project for 2020 is not been easy. I will try my best to enter as many short film competitions out there, sending ideas/pitch to film grants, writing film/drama script, but in the office? There’s a talk to expand this multimedia unit of teaching & learning into something big, something huge. Well in my 14 years of experience I’m still waiting for that idea to become a reality. The only thing I don’t want to see is once we have established, please don’t sit comfortably with the new pro equipments we have bought and doing nothing but only works/project being responsible by our bosses. But rather, give out ideas in this new year of 2020 on how to leverage the equipments with our own ideas to create projects that is not only developing MOOC videos, leadership talk series, classroom shooting, creating montage video from another dept, shooting videos for other dept, etc..you know what, some people feel comfortable with this type of work. Really! Others maybe think of something new, something challenging that suits the name of his/her position let say a Producer, who really works as a real Producer out there. Yes a real Producer not a camera operator kind of job. Ugh!! Cant’s stress this enough! 

Till then, see you you guys in another posting ok.

Jeffri Rahman