
Noorlizawati (Ts. Dr.) is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Business Intelligence, Humanities, and Governance, Faculty of Artificial Intelligence, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She has a multidisciplinary background with a foundation in BEng Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Cardiff University, advanced studies in MSc Nanotechnology (Electrical & Electronic Eng Dept) at University College London, and expertise in technology entrepreneurship through her Ph.D. from UTM. Her commitment to innovative education and cross-cultural entrepreneurial initiatives is reflected through several collaboration, awards and her roles as a judge in various international and regional innovation competitions ( 2023 Sustainable Solutions For Pilgrimage Challenge , 2022 SMART 4.0 International Innovation Competition, International Science and Invention Fair 2022, ASEAN Innovative Science, Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair 2023 ,2018-2019 TARUC Innovation & Prototyping Competition).

Noorlizawati brings valuable industrial experience in computer design engineering, semiconductor manufacturing and technology commercialization from her prior roles at Intel, Freescale Semiconductor, and NanoMalaysia (CLBG under Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, MOSTI).

She led the UTM-MOSTI collaboration, overseeing a hybrid master’s program that integrates science with business management in her role as program coordinator at Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics (RFTI), UTM (UTM and MESTECC Collaborate to Groom Professional Talent in Science and Technology, Breaking Down Silos: Collaborative Multidisciplinary Master’s Degree Program for Continued UTM-MOSTI Partnership, 66th Convocation: First cohort of UTM-MOSTI Master of Professional Science graduates, UTM-MOSTI Master of Professional Science Celebrates Second Cohort Graduation with Outstanding Achievements, Nine MOSTI Officers Awarded Master of Professional Science Degrees, AlumniSpeak Spotlight : MOSTI’s Professional Science Alumna, KSU-VC Commemoration Ceremony for Cohort 2 UTM-MOSTI Strategic Collaborative Master of Professional Science Graduates, UTM-MOSTI Collaborative Program Continuation for Cohort 3 )

Her teaching focuses on entrepreneurship, creativity & innovation management, and digital business & e-commerce management. She has received the Active Blended Learning Award of Excellence for courses such as Creativity & Innovation Management, Digital Business & E-commerce Management, Research Methodology, Strategic Management for Professionals, Entrepreneurship & New Business Creation, and Data Analysis in Engineering Education.

Noorlizawati’s research interests include technology entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial leadership, entrepreneurial creativity, and opportunity recognition. She serves as a reviewer for ISI-indexed journals like the International Journal of Management Education and Studies in Higher Education. She is a Board of Governors member and serves on the publication and conference committee for IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (IEEE TEMS). She is also an assessor for the Technology and Technical Accreditation Council for the Malaysia Board of Technologists and for Portfolio & Interview for Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (Malaysian Qualification Agency).

Her awards include ‘Excellent Academic Program Coordinator,’ ‘Research Publication Award,’ and ‘Book Chapter Publication Award’ from UTM RFTI, the ‘Excellent Service Award’ from UTM, the ‘MTDC Innovation Book Award’ from Malaysian Technology Development Corporation, the ‘Best Postgraduate Student Award’ from UTM, ‘Best Performance in MSc Nanotechnology’ from UCL, and the ‘Electrical & Electronic Engineering Prize’ from IET.

Contact details:
Faculty of Artificial Intelligence Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra
54100 Kuala Lumpur
Office: +6(0)321805189  
Mobile: +6(0)193928410 noorlizawati@utm.my

WhatsApp : https://wa.me/60193928410 LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lizabdrahim