This paper discusses a methodological process involved to design a questionnaire survey and to assess instrument’s validity and reliability in a pilot study of academic entrepreneurship research. Confirmatory factor analysis in structural equation modeling is a common method used to assess construct validity. To perform such statistical analysis technique, a certain sample size requirement must be met. In some cases, construct validity is not feasibly assessed during pilot study because of sample size limitation. Instead, validity assessment is performed during final data collection with a larger sample size. Alternatively, this paper presents guidelines for research practice to perform minimal check to assess construct validity qualitatively in a pilot study before investing resources to collect final data. By adapting the work of Nahm et al.(2002) on Q-sort method and Moore and Benbasat’s (1991) hit-ratio index, the procedures allow researcher to assess if constructs have been reasonably operationalized, to identify potential problematic questionnaire items with linguistic ambiguity and to address comprehension issue which may not be appreciable using conventional statistical analysis.
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