Colorized 3D point clouds of forest plot in Royal Belum Reserved Forest, Gerik, Perak
3D point clouds of individual trees
Geometric reconstruction of individual trees
Penghargaan kepada: Royal Belum State Park
Muhammad Zulkarnain Abd Rahman
Kerana Allah Untuk Manusia
Colorized 3D point clouds of forest plot in Royal Belum Reserved Forest, Gerik, Perak
3D point clouds of individual trees
Geometric reconstruction of individual trees
Penghargaan kepada: Royal Belum State Park
“After asking Allah to guide you to the straight path, don’t just stand there … start walking!"
Post graduate student wanted for the following PhD/Msc research topics:
Flood risk mapping
Close range photogrammetry – a low cost method for individual tree measurement
Non-destructive laser-based allometric equation establishment for individual tree aboveground biomass estimation in tropical rainforest
Algorithm for point clouds processing