Achievements & Awards

Best MSc thesis award 2006, from the faculty of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC),University of Twente, The Netherlands.
Thesis title:“Digital Surface Model (DSM) construction and flood hazard simulation for development plans in Naga City, the Philippines”

Klaas Jan Beek Award – 2006

Klaas jan beek

1. 2019 : Anugerah Blended Learning untuk subjek SGHG 4813
2. 2018 : Anugerah Blended Learning untuk subjek SGHG 1473
3. 2017 : Anugerah Blended Learning untuk subjek SGHG 1473
4. 2016 : Anugerah Penerbitan Artikel Berindeks FGHT 2016
5. 2016 : Anugerah Knowledge Transfer Program FGHT 2016
6. 2016 : Anugerah Blended Learning untuk subjek SGHG 4813
7. 2016 : Anugerah Blended Learning untuk subjek SGHG 1473
8. 2006 : Klaas Jan Beek Award dari Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands
9. 2006 : Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang, UTM
10. 2011 : Anugerah Khidmat Cemerlang, UTM
11. 2003 : Best student award from Malaysian Remote Sensing Society

(MRSS) during 31st UTM convocation, 2003

12. 2000 : Best Student Award from the Faculty of Computer Science, UTM during 25th UTM convocation, 2000