12th October 2022 (Wednesday)
International Research Visit to Institut Teknologi Bandung.
A lot of similarities and huge potential for collaboration between UTM and ITB on research activities including joint conference, staff & student exchange, joint research projects, joint publications and webinars.
Research activities and interests will cover the area of new and renewable energy, photoelectrochemical, power generation & propulsion system, nuclear molten salt reactor (4th Gen), liquid organic hydrogen storage, hydrogen production, proton exchange membrane synthesis, hydrogen fuel cell power and electrical energy systems.
From ITB: Dr. Yuli (Head of CRSC), Prof. Wenten (Vice Reactor ITB), Prof. Fauzi (ex-Indonesia Ambassador to UNESCO), Prof. Ari, Prof. Song, Dr. Hary Devianto (Chem. Eng), Dr. Sidik, Dr. Firman and Dr. Rino Mukti as the moderator.
From IFE UTM: Prof. Dr. Arshad Ahmad (Director of IFE), Prof. Dr. Aishah A. Jalil (Director of CHE, IFE), Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Md Pauzi Abdullah (Director of CEES, IFE), Ts. Dr. Sathiabama T. Thirugnana (Director of UTM-OTEC, IFE) and Ts. Dr. Mohd Fadhzir A. Kamaroddin (Senior Research Officer of IFE).
#research #renewableenergy #energy #powergeneration #collaboration #technology #indonesia #hydrogen #utm #itb #hydrogenstorage