During my PhD time, I already been requested by juniors to tutor or help them in understanding a specific subjects that they deem to be difficult.
When I managed to make them understand more than their own lecturer, it gave me a personal self satisfaction and sense of accomplishment.
The transition of the looks on their face when they learn from me was so heartwarming.
Due to that I choose to become a lecturer.
Thats my motivation for teaching; watching the transition or transformation of student when learning something.
I trust that relationship between lecturer and students bring change to both sides.
Students will also help lecturers to grow to become a more empathy, mature and wise than before.
By becoming more approachable, it will make it more easier for the growth to happen.
I would like to be a lecturer where the students still refers to even when they already graduated and working in industry.
I want create many students that I will be proud of to call my legacy. From my 5 years experience in teaching, I believe that systematic teaching from lower to higher difficulty materials is very effective for my subjects.
Creating a simple systematic teaching material that containing hacks and tricks to make it easy to understand will increase the effectiveness of the material to be used for both synchornous and asynchronous teaching.
This is effort will be appreciated by the students.
It is a lecturer’s role to make path for the the students to learn in easier and much understandable way.
I discover this during my time as students where some of my memorable lecturers realy treated us like a gem to be polished carefully.
I believe constructivism and behaviorism are the teaching techniques suitable for a person like.
I should not only deliver the knowledge, but I have to make sure they received the information well.
One way communication in class is a no go for me.I should give the students chances, space and time for my students to absorb or process the knowledge in their own way.
They should participate in class in disucssion, enquiries and answering. They should also be provided with relatable and understandable important informations.
In order to encourage participation and good performance among my students.
Giving the change for the students to make mistakes and carefully explain to them the correct way will make the knowledge transfer more impactful.
I believe a more empathic approach as reinforcement is important in shaping the students not only academically but as human beings.