Hi All… It is all about my Sweet November

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world” – Lucille Ball

Takdir Allah… kita hanya merancang dan Allah yang tentukan takdir kita…..

| Friday 27 November 2020|

Well i indeed agree with this statement,… previously, i keep meeting people and hoping he is the one… I kept feeling in love and then hurting myself as i always and easily trust people.. I end up engaged with someone and soon enough after that i realize that he is not the one.

Then something happend (which my mom sakit) and i start thinking more deeper about life and future. I end up being selfish and pentingkan diri sendiri. I broke that engagement and being alone for about one year… this time, i really enjoy myself, focus on family and career. Masa tempoh ni, i really felt at ease, tenang2 gitew… And btul2 one year after that, i meet him… This guy, Syahrulhafiz is really easy going person… tak mengongkong, and with him, i felt belonging.. i know he is always there for me…

And after few months knowing each other, he decide to get marry… People around me asking, ehhh too soon la… better knowing him better dulu la.. ehhh he is after ur money la… ehhhh pkir masak2…. and me, “No… I made decision, i feel really comfortable around him”.. thats more important… and everything after that went really easy.. Allah makbulkan doa2 kami… Satu2 rezeki datang untuk mencukupkan kami… Alhamdulillah…. after few months preparing, in 27 November 2020, i became Syahrulhafiz wife…

Doakan perjalanan perkahwinan kami dipermudahkan… Dapat menerima each other kelebihan dan kekurangan yang akhirnya dapat melengkapkan each other…. Owh…. actually soon before our majlis, kerajaan umumkan PKPB which x dibenarkan merentas negeri dan satu kereta hanya dibenarkan 2 org shaja… And us, masa tu terduduk… sbb semua dah plan dan byr deposit… kami bincang for few days… nak postpond or proceed dengan keadaan tidak dibenarkan buat majlis… akhirnya, kami redha.. teruskan pernikahan tanpa majlis… Ada relatives yg terasa hati… x menjemput… x mengadap… kami senyum je… mana yg faham, faham la… untuk kami setup semula majlis, mmg macam mustahil… baiklah kami fokus untuk bina kehidupan kami… Doakan untuk rumah pertama kami ye…. Insyallah.. so here, few pic kenangan… masih menunggu our official photographer bg gambo… masih x dpt lg sampai skrg… 🙂

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