Track Participant Attention in Cisco Webex Events

You can find out who is paying attention in your events. If you find most participants aren’t paying attention, you can change your event structure to make it more engaging.

Track Participant Attention

During your event, you can easily tell if attendees are no longer focused on your presentation. The attention indicator shows if an attendee has minimized the event window or brought another window in front of the event window.

After an event ends, you can generate reports to obtain data about individual attentiveness. A report contains this information for each attendee:

  • Attention-to-attendance ratio: Attentiveness based on how long the attendee was in the event.
  • Attention-to-duration ratio: Attentiveness based on the duration of the event.

The attention indicator is unavailable when the host and panelists are in a practice session.

Turn On or Turn Off Attention Tracking

If the attention tracking option is unavailable, contact your site administrator.

1On Windows go to Events > Options, and then from the communications tab, select Attention tracking.
2On Mac go to Webex Events > Preferences > Tools, and then select Attention tracking.

Grant Attention Tracking Privilege

By default, panelists have access to the attention tracking indicator. Hosts can turn this privilege on or off at any time.

1Go to the Participant menu, and select Assign Privileges To > Panelists.On Mac, select the Communications tab.
2Check or uncheck Attention Tracking.

Find a Cisco Webex Event ID

You need the event ID ready in order to generate a participant attention report.

1Find the event ID by going to My Webex > My Reports, and select Attendance Report located under the Webex Events heading.
2In the Search by: drop-down list, select Event name, enter the event name, and click Display Report. This generates an attendance list report, which contains the event ID.
3In the List Report Download History section, click the .csv file link to download the attendance list report. In the spreadsheet that you generated, you’ll find the event ID in column c.

Download a Cisco Webex Events Participant Attention Report

1To generate a participant attention report, go to My Webex > My Reports, and then select Attendance Report located under the Webex Events heading.
2Enter the Event ID and click Export Detail Report.
source: Cisco Webex help Center,under%20the%20Webex%20Events%20heading.&text=In%20the%20Search%20by%3A%20drop,which%20contains%20the%20event%20ID.