SEEM1113 Engineering Mechanics 2021

Weekly Schedule|Quizzes & Exercise|class activity|project|

WeekTopicVideo link
Week 1 14 – 18 MarchTopic 1: General Principle & Force Vectors (9 hours) Introduction to engineering mechanics, fundamental concepts, units of measurement, week 1-3
Week 2 21 – 25 MarchScalar and vectors, Vector operation, Vector addition of forces, Addition of coplanar, Cartesian vectors, Addition of Cartesian vectors,
Week 3 28 – 1 AprilPosition vectors, Force vector along a line, Dot product 
Week 4 4 – 8 AprilTopic 2: Equilibrium of a Particle (6 hours) Condition for equilibrium, Free-body diagram,  week 4-5
Week 5 11 – 15 AprilThree-Dimensional Force Systems. 
Week 6 18 – 22 AprilTopic 3: Force System Resultants (6 hours) Moment of a force, Cross product,week 6-7 
Week 7 25 – 29 AprilMoment of a force-vector formulation. 
Week 8 2 – 6 MayTopic 4: Kinematics of particles (9 hours) Rectilinear kinematics, 
Week 9 9 – 13 MayMid-Semester Break 
Week 10 16 – 20 MeiCurvilinear motion, 
Week 11 23 – 27 MeiMotion of a projectile. 
Week 12 30 – 3 JuneTopic 5: Kinetics of Particles: Force and acceleration (6 hours) Newton’s Law, The equation of motion, 
Week 13 6 – 10 JuneEquation of motion: Rectangular coordinates. 
Week 14 13 -17 JuneTopic 6: Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy (3 hours) The work of a force,  
Week 15 20 – 24 Juneprinciple of work and energy for a system of particles, power and efficiency (3 hours)