Soul of Academia

Teaching Philosophy

Every student is unique and requires a dynamic learning environment in which they can develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. As an educator, my teaching philosophy is a heartfelt commitment that will shape my journey in education. It’s not just a set of principles; it’s the essence of who I am as a teacher and how I intend to impact the lives of my students positively.

I plan to establish a stress-free classroom where students can explore and be encouraged to reach their full potential. I will provide a secure environment for students to express their thoughts and try new things. Understanding each course’s objectives is essential, and as a teacher, it’s my job to help students pay attention so they can learn well and apply their knowledge daily. Various teaching and learning activities and assessment methods, such as lectures, quizzes, tutorials, active learning, cooperative learning, and assignments, needed to be used to achieve these goals. I will continuously seek new ways to improve my teaching methods. I understand there is no single “right” way to address any given problem, so it’s up to me to help students successfully apply what they learn to real-world situations. As students develop an interest in the subject matter, their motivation to explore and improve themselves over time will increase.

Every student who walks into my classroom brings a unique story, a distinct set of strengths, and their own learning pace. I am dedicated to creating an environment where these individual differences are acknowledged and celebrated. It’s about understanding each student’s journey and helping them unlock their full potential. I’m not here to transfer knowledge. I’m here to ignite a fire within my students, a curiosity that propels them to explore, question, and seek more profound understanding. Through thought-provoking discussions, hands-on activities, and real-world examples, I want to show them that learning is not confined to textbooks but is a gateway to unravelling the mysteries of the world around us.

In my classroom, diversity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the heartbeat of learning. I believe in fostering an inclusive space where students from all walks of life feel heard, valued, and empowered to share their viewpoints. By weaving these diverse perspectives, we create a rich tapestry of ideas that enriches everyone’s understanding. Just as my students learn and grow, so do I. I welcome feedback from my students, using it as a compass for improvement. Likewise, I encourage my students to reflect on their learning journey, celebrating their progress and using setbacks as stepping stones toward growth.

Education is more than academic success; it’s about shaping responsible, ethical individuals. I am committed to instilling values like empathy, integrity, and perseverance. These values will serve as guiding lights in both their academic pursuits and their personal lives. Education is a dynamic field, and I’m not afraid of change. I am a lifelong learner, too, embracing new technologies, teaching methods, and ideas to stay at the forefront of education. I aim to inspire my students to be adaptable, innovative, and leaders in their own right.


Learning Theory: Constructivism

My Mission to Discover The True Soul of Academia



  1. Thank you, Dr. Very energetic and eloquent teaching,
  2. The lecturer provides good teaching skills
  3. I love his engagement and teaching method
  4. Thank you. dr everything is good
  5. Dr Aizuddin is a very dedicated lecturer
  6. Very passionate and attentive. Teaching is very easy to understand. It makes me want to do better.
  7. The lecturer is excellent at teaching. All the teaching materials are very helpful.
  8. It is such a great experience to have Dr. Aidzuddin as a lecturer this semester. All good and excellent
  9. Thank you, Dr., for the guidance. Dr. had inspired me to be more extensive and think, even finding solutions in a more creative manner. Thank you, Dr. Aizuddin; it was a fun experience learning from you for the two semesters (gene expression and cell signaling)
  10. I love the way the lecturer gives his lecture in class. It is very fun
  11. Thank you for the lecture Dr, it was easy to follow & youโ€™ve made it interesting
  12. It is easy to understand the topics because the lecturer really gives the full efforts
  13. Your teaching skills are very effective and helpful for students to understand.
  14. Thank you for everything you do; you have taught us a lot. I hope you will have an incredible journey teaching the next generation of students <3
  15. Thank you, Dr. Aizuddin. He is such a very good lecturer for me. He is always positive, sporting, concerned about his students, and very good at teaching. I love the way he teaches in class. Thank you so much, Dr. I owe you a lot.
  16. Dr. Aizudin is a very hardworking lecturer. His office was always open for us, and I would like to thank him for that and wish him the best of luck in his life.
  17. Thank you very much, Dr Aizuddin, for all the extensive knowledge that you have given and all your fantastic effort while teaching. I really appreciate it! Indeed, you are a very good lecturer and I wish you have a very wonderful journey ahead!
  18. I appreciate how Dr Aizuddin puts time and effort into explaining something beyond the lecture notes to ensure we truly understand the contents. It helps us to get a bigger picture and understand better. Thank you, Dr ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. The lecturer was informative, but the class could have been more engaging if there had been more interactive elements like group discussion or in-class activities.
  20. I think all is good. I understand your part well; it is clearly explained. Thank you for being patient with us, although it takes time for us to understand the content, especially the pathways. Thank you for the knowledge you have given me. I do enjoy the learning process throughout the semester.
  21. It is a tough course yet enjoyable.
  22. Thanks for the great semester. Thanks for explaining the material very well in class and giving feedback on the spot
  23. It has been the third time Dr Aizuddin taught me throughout my undergraduate studies, and yet my perception of him remains the same about how great a lecturer he is. He always makes sure his students understand or at least get the picture of what he explained, and if we donโ€™t, he will keep on explaining it to us for god knows how many times until we get it. His effort in teaching is genuine, and I really wish him the best in his future endeavors. Thank you so much, Dr., and I hope my classmates and I will make you proud someday.
  24. The lecture was fun and informative, although some information is difficult to understand.
  25. The lecturer gives a good explanation when teaching. He also always promotes critical thinking and encourages students to speak up in class.
  1. Dr Aizuddin is a very nice, knowledgeable, and interesting lecturer.
  2. The lecturer has been helpful and supportive towards the students since this course is quite hard.
  3. Thank you, Dr, well and detailed explanation
  4. Thank you, Dr.Aizuddin, for being our lecturer for the subject Gene Expression this sem. I like how the Dr conducted the class; it was very enjoyable. Before getting to know Dr.AIzuddin, I had heard a senior comment that Dr. is a very good and cheerful Dr; it proved this after attending Dr’s class. Dr.Aizuddin is a very good lecturer who always wants us to explore and think more and always reminds us we are not studying for the exam. In the class, I get to see the real responsibility as a teacher, just like how Dr.Aizuddin taught us. I like the class and Dr. Aizuddin from the perspective of learning ways and the cheerful temperament. Thank you Dr. Wish Dr a good luck, diberkati, dilindungi and dilimpahkan rezeki and dirahmati Tuhan. Thank you, Dr
  5. Hi Dr. Aizuddin. Thank you for teaching me Gene Expression. I know that this course has a lot for me to learn, but you managed to make it digestible, which is very helpful. I really appreciate all your help. There are a lot of things that I couldnโ€™t accomplish without you.
  6. The teaching and explanation from Dr Aizuddin are clear and have a lot of figures in the notes, which helps with a better understanding.
  7. Enjoy this class so much; The lecturer taught us very well
  8. This lecturer is a very professional expert in this course. His clear explanations and passion for this course made learning engaging and insightful.
  9. Thank you, Dr., for explaining things clearly during the classes. I learned a lot.
  10. The lecturer is very helpful and concerned about the students. The course is very interesting.
  11. Your explanation is really good, but sometimes it is a little bit overwhelming.
  12. Thank you so much, Dr. I like the style of your teaching; it is quite understandable and interesting! Do also take care of yourself!
  13. Thank you so much, Dr., and please pray for us


  1. Everything is very okay!
  2. I love having a class with you, Dr.
  3. The lecture is clear and well-understand
  4. Love the lecturer’s attitude, The explanation for each topic is also good
  5. Thank you, Dr! Your passion and engaging style have truly enhanced my learning experience. I appreciate your dedication to our education.
  6. I’m so happy to be in your class, Dr!
  7. Dr Aizudin is very kind and funny. Wanna have a class with him afterward!
  8. Best lecture on explaining some information and topics
  9. Everything is good and can be easily understood.
  10. Dr is very patient and willing to explain in detail whenever we seem to not understand. Dr is also very kind and helpful, and the learning experience in class is very fun.
  11. Dr consistently punctual and dedicated to fostering a productive learning environment
  12. Overall, Iโ€™m having so much fun learning with Dr during the class.
  1. The lectures were great at delivering the information to us, and his feedback on our assignments helped us improve and understand more about the topics.
  2. The lecturer is very good at teaching. The lecturer’s knowledge of the subject matter is truly impressive, and their ability to convey information with enthusiasm makes the material more engaging.
  3. Overall, it is good and I enjoying learning this subject
  4. Dr Aizuddin sangat baik pengajarannya! Comprehensive yet meaningful
  5. Dr Aizuddin is a very knowledgeable and dedicated lecturer. Giving interesting information for the case related to the topic helps to improve the students’ understanding with meaningful assignments.
  6. Sangat fun dan very well explaination. Thank you, Dr!
  7. This class is enjoyable and makes us wonder about the world. We can relate it to our daily lives and learn more and more
  8. Thank you, Dr!
  9. Dr Aizuddin demonstrates a remarkable commitment and enthusiasm towards his role, he consistently exhibits passion in delivering the lecture. I enjoy it when he discusses current issues and relates them to our learning content, as it adds valuable perspective to our studies.
  10. The course is interesting and fun to learn
  11. Lecture has been well delivered throughout the semester; Dr Aizuddin is willing to help student
  12. Tough but very interesting explanation
  13. Super grateful to have the opportunity to learn this subject with Dr Aizuddin. All case studies shared have been such an eye-opener to me personally how everything around us can be toxic to a certain extent. I was a bit lost at a certain point, but his passion to explain everything to us again and again shows how much he cares.
  14. Good lecturer, sangat prihatin and caring.
  15. I enjoyed your class! ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. Great teacher who inspires us
  17. Great, keep it up!!


Student’s Comments

  1. No suggestions as the teaching is very clear and easy to understand
  2. Thank you Dr for teaching me throughout the whole semester ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. I like how you explain in detail about each pathways
  4. Thank you for teaching us .
  5. Good teaching and learning.
  6. All was explained very clearly
  7. It’s a great pleasure to be one of your students before graduating. Keep up the good work Dr!
  8. Lecturer is friendly and everything is good.
  9. Thank you Dr Aizuddin for the interactive teaching^.^ I am enjoying the lecture time with Dr^.^, the way Dr teaching really engage me to do self study about real life case with cell signaling.
  10. I would like to thank Dr Aizuddin for his passion in teaching and his great personality as a lecturer. It’s because of lecturers like him that makes knowledge fun and easier to understand. I appreciate how he tries his best to make the classroom easy-going and stress-free. I also like how he tries to communicate with each student in class and give them the opportunity to voice out opinions / answer questions based on the topics he taught. It was a privilege to be taught by Dr Aizuddin.

Student’s Comments

  1. Teaching and learning method implemented by Dr. Aizuddin is very interactive and helpful in testing my understanding to the topics.
  2. Thanks Dr for your dedication and tireless efforts in teaching us. The learning materials are extremely helpful and informative. The learning process is interactive and interesting.
  3. Dr Aizuddin is a very responsible, kind, thoughtful lecturer that always treat students in appropriate manner. I always appreciate his interesting lecture and the way he cares for all students despite he is very tired too. Although this course is quite challenging, but I have a lot of fun, and also learn deeper insights in the gene expression. Indeed, this course is sooo amazing! Hopefully Dr can take more time to rest when he has free time as he looks so tired some time haha but I can relate a bit, wish Dr keep striving his best in his career! Take care and thank you Dr!
  4. A kind and friendly lecturer. Dr Aizuddin always encourages active participation and critical thinking among students. He is easy to reach and is constant availability for questions.
  5. The lecturer is very helpful for the entire course-learning period. He ensures the students are able to understand the topics and able to share new knowledge based on real-time situations related to the topics learned.
  6. Dr is a very fun and responsible lecturer. I like how Dr always engages with us making sure we are not lost. I like Dr’s classes as it is not boring at all and Dr always relate the class with real-life setting. Dr also takes good care of our mental health as he is worried that we are stressed. But, I would say, I really enjoy the class. Dr also will provide notes before the class and provide videos to ease our understanding. I also like Dr use layman’s terms to explain some complex process, making us easier to understand. Dr is a very nice lecturer.
  7. Dr. is really supportive in guiding us with our assignments. The lectures are smooth and understand. If we have any uncertainties, Dr. would patiently repeat until we fully grasp it.
  8. This course was good, and dr very helpful :3
  9. Dr Aizuddin nice lecturer very understanding, do not give to me to make me understand the course even im very stupid and lazy student huhu. Thank you to him for make the gene subject easy to understand
  10. Dr has given clear explanation in class on topics involved. The assignment given has enabled us to think beyond of what we have learnt in the classroom. Thank you, Dr for the guidance along this semester.
  11. Dr Aizuddin is a very dedicated lecturer who give clear explanations and teach slowly to make sure students have clear understanding about the topic and willing to answer questions from students.
  12. Not regretting taking this course, Lecturer is super helpful.I appreciate how Dr. Aizu made complex concepts easy to understand through clear explanations and real-life examples. It really helped solidify my understanding of the topic.
  13. So far so good. I love how Dr Aizuddin’s teach. Very comprehensive yet understandable. He’s also reachable and accessible as well as very helpful too!
  14. Dr Aizuddin demonstrates a remarkable level of commitment and enthusiasm towards his role. He consistently exhibits a passion in delivering the lectures and ensuring the students comprehends the topic thoroughly before moving to the next topic. He also actively seeks out approaches to re-explain concepts whenever confusion arises. I greatly appreciate his understanding and empathy towards the needs and challenges of his students.
  15. Lecturer entertains students’ questions

Student’s Comments

  1. Love the way dr teach us, however it wasn’t the main course of us but we still enjoy learning it. A big thanks to Dr.!!
  2. Assalamualaikum Dr, terima kasih Dr atas segala ilmunya, maafkan kesilapan saya sepanjang menjadi pelajar Dr, semoga Dr sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki Allah dan dipermudahkan urusan, doakan saya sentiasa menjadi pelajar yang terbaik disisi Allah dan berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat aamiin. In syaa Allah ada rezeki lagi, kita berjumpa lagi ya Dr.
  3. Dr is very good at teaching and explaining how to solve problems and make it easier to understand. He very knowledgeable. Thank you Dr! you are a good and awesome lecturer.
  4. I enjoyed to be the part of this class


Student’s Comment

  1. Continue what you are doing Dr! U’re doing great
  2. The best lecturer this semester
  3. The enjoyable learning environment and friendly lecturer!!!
  4. The lecturer good and excellent
  5. Dr Aizuddin is kind, responsible lecturer
  6. Dr Aizuddin is the best
  7. Dr Aizuddin is best and as a student i really enjoy in his class
  8. The lecturer explained detail about ethic in the class
  9. Keep it up Dr

Student’s Comments

  1. Perfect lecturer
  2. I gained a lot of new knowledge after studying with this lecturer. He helped me a lot to solve my question and to keep me focused on class with interesting teaching. I have never been bored in his class because he involved active learning in the classroom. He made sure all the notes and training were sufficient before we took the exam. Thank you a lot Dr. , enjoy the opportunity to learn this subject with you ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. You are the best lecturer ever!
  4. Thank you Dr Aizuddin!
  5. Overall the learning session is fun
  6. Thank you, Dr for teaching me until the end of the semester.
  7. Thank you so much Dr. sorry for all the mistakes that i did. keep praying for our achievement Dr. thanksss again <3
  8. All good. Dr Aizuddin is a professional and talented. I love the way of his teaching. He inspire us to work harder
  9. My lecturer is a very good lecturer. He is committed in teaching either via f2f or online. I always feel energetic in his class since he makes the class become productive. He always makes forum in e-learning, studies cases with us, helps us in understanding any topics and guide us to be a good student in biology. He also helps us to prepare for quiz, test and final exam. We are really happy and grateful to be his students for this semester.
  10. Best teaching learning and good lecturer. Lecturer have good teaching skill that can make me understand the subject.
  11. Thanks to Dr.’s instruction, we thoroughly loved this course. Although we found it difficult to access samples of previous year’s exam questions, we were still able to complete the course. We would want to thank Dr. Aizuddin for all that you have done for us.
  12. I think doing the past year questions together in the class may help in revising or understanding about certain subjects.
  13. I will miss classes with dr aizuddin ๐Ÿ™
  14. This lecturer teaching method was good and good in attract students attention

Student’s Comments

  1. Dr. Aizuddin is a very friendly, supportive, empathy lecturer to me. He teach me very well
  2. Everything is fine and good
  3. Thank you dr for guiding us throughout the lab session
  4. The subject was handled very well, the instructions for the group experiments were clear and easy to follow but quite difficult to understand the purpose and concepts of the lab experiments. The class was also easy to understand and lecturers taught the subject well and at an easy pace to follow. I really enjoyed the class
  5. Lecturer provides good teaching skills by explaining in details about the experiment.
  6. Dr Aizuddin is a very good lecturer. Dr Aizuddin imply a very interesting learning method and pedagogy which make the content more understandable by students. Besides, Dr Aizuddin also a very keen lecturer when teaching and also a compassionate one. Thank you very much Dr, I love your ways and thank you for teaching me.
  7. Everything was great and his teaching of laboratory was fun and helpful
  8. Very engaging and well-organized lecturer
  9. I love more practical lab sessions
  10. The lab experiment provided me better understanding on this course topic
  11. Love your class!


Student’s Comments

  1. Thank you Dr for teaching toxicology^.^ It help me a lot to relate the important principle of toxicokinetics (ADME) and toxicodynamics in the real life examples like the flow of alcohol across the placenta and how does it affect the unborn baby. It was really really interesting.
  2. Best lecturer and understandable
  3. Dr. Aizuddin has been a very committed and dedicated lecturer in ensuring that all of his students understand the subject properly. He is also a very patient and considerate lecturer towards his students so his students is not burden too much with the assignments given. Very well considerate and tolerate lecturer.
  4. Good in teaching and communication
  5. Dr Aizuddin is a very professional yet fun lecturer and the way he delivers his lectures in class helps me to understand complicated concepts with ease. I am grateful that he tries to promote a stress-free classroom and wants us to have fun learning. He is a very knowledgeable lecturer and strives to teach the best that he can. He managed the pace and time of the course very well so that everything is completed on time. Definitely looking forward to be in his classes in the future.


Student’s Comments:

  1. Dr Aizuddin able to make every class fun while also making sure every students understand what heโ€™s teaching. I love that Dr Aizuddin makes me want to study more and more because he helped me understand things smoothly by applying his thoughts and sharing with the current issues related to gene expression
  2. I understand what are dr explained in class

  3. Good teaching

  4. Dr Aizuddin has done a very good job in providing the class with detailed information of the course. He is also a very determined and professional lecturer in making sure the students understand the subject properly. Overall, Dr Aizuddin has done a wonderful job in lecturing.

Student’s Comments:

  1. Really understanding lecturer also good in deliver information

  2. Glad to be his student

  3. Thank you Dr Aizudin for your help during our lab session.




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