Research Activities

19Perkembangan Dan Pelestarian Eco-Edu Pelancongan Inap desa Kampung Parit Lapis Sempadan  Project LeaderKTP-RIGBusiness Entity20,000.001 Feb. 202131 Jan. 2022PY/2021/00078
18Client’s Satisfaction And Needs In Confronting Unpredictable Economic Situation  Project LeaderUTM Contract Research GrantDouble Tax Deduction8000.0015 August 202016 February 2021R.J130000.7653.4C392
17Pembangunan Kerangka Profil Kemahiran Generik Hijau Untuk Pekerjaan Dalam Industri Berteknologi Hijau  Project LeaderMinistry of Higher EducationFundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS Fund)61,200.001st August 201631st July 2019R.J130000.7831.4F841
16Kerangka Kemahiran Generik Anak-anak Autisme Dalam Pendidikan Teknik dan Vokasional  Project MemberMinistry of Higher EducationFundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS Fund)42400.0015th August 201714th August 2019R.J130000.7831.4F922
15Developing Model of Preparing Mechanical Program at College Vocational In Malaysia  Project MemberMinistry of Higher EducationFundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS Fund) 84,000.001st July 201430th June 2016R.J130000.7831.4F563
14Conceptual Model For Integrating Higher Order Thinking Skills In Engineering Program  Project MemberMinistry of Higher EducationFundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS Fund)68,200.001st July 201430th June 2016R.J130000.7831.4F566
13Development of Self Value Framework and Soft Skills Among Students of the Public Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia Through Service Learning  Project MemberMinistry of Higher EducationFundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS Fund)56,800.0016th December 201315th December 2015R.J130000.7808.4F337
12Supervisory Beliefs Framework and Supervision Practices of Technical and Vocational Education Lecturers in Teaching Practicum  Project MemberMinistry of Higher EducationFundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS Fund)59,918.001st September 200731st August 200978261
11Forecasting Generic Green Skill Needs As Perceived by the Green Technology     Industries  Project LeaderResearch University Grant Scheme (RUG Fund)Flagship20,000.001st April 201331st March 2014Q.J130000.2431.01G35
10Framework on Students Preparedness for the Workplace in Mechanical Engineering (Automotive)  Project MemberResearch University Grant SchemeRUG Fund20,000.001st January 201431st December 2014Q.J130000.2731.00K73
9Construction and Verification of the  Instrument (Testing the Concept of Innovation)  Project MemberResearch University Grant SchemeRUG Fund20,099.001st May 201230th April 2013Q.J130000.2631.05J24
8Visualization Skills and Learning Style of Engineering Students at the Public Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia  Project MemberResearch University Grant SchemeRUG Fund40,000.001st April 2011 to30th November 2012Q.J130000.2631.03J95
7Review Effectiveness of Malaysian Educators Selection Inventory (MedSI)  Function  Project MemberMinistry of Higher Education MalaysiaResearch Grant Top-Down176,850.0015th July 201114th December 2011
6Pattern of Visualization Skills and Learning Styles Among Engineering Students in UTM  Project MemberMinistry of Higher Education Malaysia 10,000.001st September 2009 to  31st August 201077942
5The Management of Technical and Vocational Education Program Among Professional Leaders at the Southern Region of Malaysian Higher Education Institutions  Project MemberInternationalSEAMEO- VOCTECUSD 2000.00July 2008June 2009
4The Concept of 9 Technical and 31 Vocational Textbook  Project MemberMinistry of Higher Education MalaysiaResearch Grant Top-Down19,994.00June 2002October 200263253  
3Integrating Important Employability Skills Perceived as Important by Selected Industries in The Technical and Vocational Schools in Malaysia  Project MemberRMK 8Fundamental Short Term Research19,000.00December 2001May 200371775
2A Study on the Execution of My3S’ Instrument  Project MemberNationalResearch Grant Top-DownFebruary 2010 
1Review Effectiveness of Malaysian Educators Selection Inventory (MedSI) Function  Project MemberMinistry of Higher Education MalaysiaResearch Grant Top-Down176,850.0015th July 201114th December 2011