Best project award in Communication Engineering track, sponsored by IEEE COMSOC/VTS Malaysia chapter.
Award ceremony session for EESS2019 (Electrical Engineering Student Symposium) was held at DK4, P19 on Tuesday, 7th May 2019.
The event was organized by UTM IEEE Student Branch to celebrate winners of FYP best paper and best project by final year SKE’s students.
There are 4 categories of the award which are Communication Engineering track, Power Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Mechatronic Engineering track. Awards for different categories were sponsored by UTM IEEE Student Branch, IEEE Signal Processing, IEEE Power & Energy, IEEE Control System, IEEE ComSoc/VTS and IEEE AP/MTT/EMC.
My student, Nursyafiqah Rusli won best paper award in Communication Engineering track, with her project entitled “Seismic Monitoring based on Wireless Sensor Network”.
Congratulations to my student and all the winners.